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Who Is Sarah Palin?

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Old 08-30-2008, 06:09 PM
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QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Aug 30 2008, 12:51 AM)
Let's see, she:

-opposes abortion
-supports capital punishment
-supports teaching creationism alongside evolution
-opposes same sex marriage.

Wow, didn't know all that, she's definitely got my vote on every one of those points!!
Old 08-30-2008, 07:45 PM
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White Tibby, I agree with you on that point. In that one instance I guess I can see where it could be considered ok.

However, girls now are using it as a backup to birth control or condoms. Ive known girls (not closely) that have had multiple abortions. Im 20 and some girls my age have had 4 or 5 or even more. That is completely unacceptable. I dont know that anyone could argue against that. When there are other options (adoption, for the families that CANT get prgnant) abortion just really is never the answer in my eyes.
Old 08-30-2008, 08:21 PM
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QUOTE (01WhiteTibby @ Aug 30 2008, 03:24 PM)
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QUOTE (01WhiteTibby @ Aug 30 2008, 03:24 PM)
anyhow, with her views being how they are and the debate about the issues that she is actually going through at the moment it will throw a lot of people off.
She has a 'stance' on every subject, just as every other politician does. McCain is not nearly as conservative as Palin, and I believe he leans more towards the pro-choice side (don't quote me on that). It's a way to balance out the non-conservative views of McCain I believe... see below for more

QUOTE (01WhiteTibby @ Aug 30 2008, 03:24 PM)
And also opposing abortion, that opposition is a very debated subject. And by saying you are trying to get rid of it, some women may feel as if there "will" or "freedom" if you will is being taken away to choose to do that or not. I mean if somehow they passed something saying no abortion once so ever, and someone was raped and wanted an abortion and they said no I can not do it or I will lose my job, would that be considered justice? I am just saying the things she opposes are things that a lot of people value or hate. And that is not the way to go about getting votes.

Opposing abortion was my words... she's "pro-life" if you want to get down to it. There are also varying degrees of every politicians stance on abortion. Bill Clinton passed partial birth abortion allowing a child to be aborted when it was half-way out during the birth process. Thank God George Bush took that away as soon as he became President. Abortion is legal, but rules and limitations can be applied if politicians want to. I don't see us allowing "special circumstances" for rape or under age, because then it becomes subjective and we may have several women claiming rape when there isn't... but we could put a first trimester limit on it, or require a medical doctor to deem it harmful to the mother's health, but every scenario provides opportunity for it to be exploited. I'm against abortion, completely, but that's my view.

QUOTE (01WhiteTibby @ Aug 30 2008, 03:24 PM)
someone was raped and wanted an abortion and they said no I can not do it or I will lose my job, would that be considered justice?

Is it considered justice, a woman becoming pregnant and denying that child a chance at life? A job shouldn't be worth more than life.

Although I make many strong statements, I also believe there are very few circumstances where absolute sin exists (i.e., abortion, stealing, murder). To clarify, I mean a situation may exist that allows for sin. (i.e., a woman steals a gallon of milk from a convenience store in order to provide for her infant.. a situation necessary to sustain life. Would you be able to prosecute her?)
Old 08-30-2008, 08:24 PM
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Wow, VERY well put.
Old 08-30-2008, 09:19 PM
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I don't want to turn this into an abortion topic, but I'm curious as to whether those who have expressed that they are opposed to abortion what-so-ever (i.e. "if a woman's pregnant, she's pregnant.. and no matter how she got pregnant she should offer that child a chance at life.." apparently in Majik's eyes even if her daddy rapes her and it has three heads on the ultrasound).. think of the morning after pill? Do you consider THAT abortion? Where is the line drawn? Is it only a sin if you decide to abort a pregnancy AFTER you know you are positively pregnant? Or is it also a sin (in your guys' eyes?) to prevent the very likely possibility of pregnancy (i.e. morning after pill).

And holy cow, Sarah Palin looks like the spitting image of a grown up version of my neighbor (who's name is also Sarah, Kalmeta..) Palin, is that of Iranian decent? (she looks the part).

As for the topic at hand, from what I've read/seen/heard I think it's a little early in both the vp candidate's careers to actually run as VP. And from what I've read on-line Palin has 3 kids and just plopped her fourth, she's got a newborn at home. I'm about to have a kid of my own and I don't see myself having time for anything huge outside my child's life let alone being vice president!! Maybe sit this one out Palin, I seem to remember someone stating the obvious question "Why should a job be more important than a life?" in this thread, lol. Or at least wait till you don't have a newborn sucking on your nipples while you're campaigning). But I guess that's why she got nominated and not me, maybe next year.
Old 08-30-2008, 10:11 PM
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Didn't know we had so many homophobes here. That sucks.
Old 08-30-2008, 10:12 PM
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Pat... you misread my post.

I'm against abortion, yes, but as I stated, putting multiple exclusions / stipulations won't make it much better, but it will help.

I don't believe rape is entirely within itself a defense for an abortion, but for me to make it an absolute would make me just as bad as any politician. It's something that needs to be handled on a case-by-case basis, unfortunately our laws don't allow for that to happen. If they did, there's always "that doctor" that will do anything you need him to for money.

I'd rather a teenager go to the doctor and have an abortion than go to some dark alley and die due to complications from a back alley abortion... or to have a young girl throw herself down a flight of stairs to kill the baby. Abortion is a very very tough subject to debate. There are many pros and cons -- I'm completely against abortion, but as I tried to clearly state, there's almost ALWAYS an exception to be found. Whether legal or not, abortions will continue to happen, that's what I find sad.

I do think if severe complications are more than reasonably expected (i.e., three heads, or three fetus' grown together and sharing organs, absolute death of the mother, etc.) then maybe an abortion may be considered.

My mother-in-law was given an ultimatum: "Have an abortion or get a divorce. I don't want kids." Now that I'm married to her daughter, I'm glad she decided to get a divorce.

TC - homophobes? I'm sorry that any disagreement with your viewpoint automatically causes your adversary to be considered fearful of homosexuals. I've had gay friends... I worked at Banana Republic for cryin' out loud... 75% of the men who worked there were gay.
Old 08-30-2008, 11:57 PM
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My post was not meant to start a debate about pro abortion or against it. It was meant to put a broader view on what she is bringing to the table. My statment never said what I agree or disagree with. I just wanted to make it clear that no matter if 20 people on here are against gay marriage, or abortion, or any of her points in which she does not agree with there is a lot of gay people out there and they all vote as well. I have gay friends and if they want to be happy who is to say that can not ?? And abortion I am against it as well. If you choose to have sex then you need to be ready to step up and take responsibility if you have to. I mean yes I may only be 19 years old, yet, just like everyone else what I think does matter. Even in a election. I think that going into an election you should want to draw EVERYONE towards your side and not single out certain groups or races. And by stating her points she has singled people out even if she did not mean to; and I think that will ultimately cause a loss of votes.
Old 08-31-2008, 08:52 AM
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bah.. i didnt even know if i should post in here or not. but, since i am a female, and had experience in this, i should post.

those of you who are 'opposing' abortion;

you really cannot say anything unless you have been there. and yes, honestly, [& unfortunately] i can say that i HAVE been there. now, there ARE some heartless people out there, whom ARE abusing this. yes, it IS a woman's body, and it SHOULD be her choice, but abortion is NOT birth control, its not a condom. if you need to get 2+ abortions, then you definitely need to change your method of birth control.

while i was at the clinic, [i was 16] there was actually an older lady, [40+] who had called her insurance company, saying she 'had been to this clinic 4 prior times, and doesnt understand why they are not going to cover it this time] seriously, insurances cover 'random abortions?' what has this world come to.

anyways, there's people that can sit and go thru that over and over. it doesnt matter if you're pro-choice, pro-life, you NEVER know what you would do in a situation like this, until you have PERSONALLY been in one. i ALWAYS said that if i got pregnant i would keep the baby or give it up for adoption. when that time actually came, i was scared shitless. at 16, you dont know what to do in a situation like that. i lived at home, didnt have a job, was still in school. my grandma [who i have been close to ever since i was a baby] sat there and SCREAMED at me, telling me how much i 'messed up' and 'you need to have that baby taken care of'

now, i was NOWHERE near just 'fooling around' with people. it was my first 'serious' relationship, almost 3 years.

lets just say, that this has torn out my insides, and eventhough SOCKS and i eventually [took us a long time, after the abortion, my body was so badly messed up] had a healthy little boy, i ALWAYS think about what could have been with that child. i was in an unhappy relationship, and knew i wasnt ready, but any of you that have met me, know how i truly am in person. you would probably never guess that when im alone with my son, i cry, i cry to myself alot when noone's around. so no, its not an easy decision, and this SHOWS you that not everyone does it because they choose it for birth control, or whatnot. if i wouldnt have done it, i would be living off my parents, been a single mom cuz i couldnt deal with the guys crap anymore, and probably pretty much alone.

now, i have a beautiful baby boy, im in a happy relationship[SOCKS<3], on my own, and raise my son while his dad works EVERY single day. abortion worked in my favor, in a time that i really DID need it. although, i think if i had to do it all over again, i could never.

and, for the person that said something about the morning after pill being abortion. the morning after pill, in no way terminates pregnancy. it simply stops the sperm from implanting into the egg, which works the same as birth control. and, especially within the first 24 hours [which, i really pray to god you would know if you had unprotected sex within 24 hours, haha] it kills off the sperm, and can delay the release of the egg.

i dont disagree with gay couples or gay marriage. thats their thing. i do, however think it is completely wrong for them to have kids. how do you explain that to your kids?

i do agree with majik, abortions ARE going to continue to happen, no matter what. if they get rid of it, then they are just getting rid of the option to have it done safely.

i wasnt trying to offend anyone in this post, btw. i was sharing my experience and thoughts.
Old 08-31-2008, 09:22 AM
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I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen the articles claiming that her son Trig(?) is really her grandson.


Probably going to get knocked for my source being the dailykos, but still if this is true, hell of a way to start a campaign. On her being the pick though, I wish that McCain had picked Pawlenty just so we had a chance to get him out of Minnesota, the past few years have been better then the first few but still not pretty. Don't get me wrong he seemed like a nice guy when I met him, but still he shutdown all public rest stops and cut a fair chunk out of school budgets.

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