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Who Is Sarah Palin?

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Old 09-04-2008, 08:00 AM
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ugh, lots of replies and little time to respond...

I'll be quick.

QUOTE (demon_wolf @ Sep 3 2008, 06:53 PM)
thats the pidley ass pissing match im talking about. go ahead an use your mod rights to ban me but i thought id point that out for ya.,
Ah... I guess this would be my fault then. I was being sarcastic, not intending to be so offensive. I guess a smiley or somethin' woulda helped... My apologies.
But seriously demon... when do you see me flexing my 'mod muscles' and banning/warning people because of their opinion? When do you see me do it because people deserve it? I facilitate relationships between the staff and members, I don't destroy them and I think I warn the LEAST out of anybody.

QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Sep 3 2008, 08:42 PM)
The more I read/learn about Palin, the more I dislike her/the idea of her. She's a devout Christian, yet her 17 year old unmarried daughter is 5 months pregnant. Kinda contradicts Christian beliefs. Plus, she has a year and a half of experience as governor. Of ALASKA. Whoop-dee-do. My home town's population is bigger than Alaska's total population.
You attack her limited experience? Are you saying the democratic Presidential candidate has more experience than the Republican VP nominee? Yes, pre-marital sex isn't a traditional Christian view. Damn, I guess that makes Sarah Palin unfit to be Vice President...

QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Sep 3 2008, 08:42 PM)
2 of her kids names are, get this, TRIG and TRACK. WTF?????
I agree, WTF? But this is a weak point for this debate
QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Sep 3 2008, 08:42 PM)
And as to why I like Hillary so much - her husband is undoubtedly one of the best presidents in US history. The fact that she stood by him during the whole intern scandal speaks volumes. She is a strong woman and will one day be the first woman president.
hm... I'd like to hear more reasons for why you like her. Not divorcing her husband for infidelity isn't one of them. (can I insert same "Christian beliefs" comment here for the man you refer to as "undoubtedly one of the best presidents" ??)

QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Sep 3 2008, 08:42 PM)
But yes, it should matter. If you're the daughter of a public figure, especially the governor of a state and one who is running for vice president of the entire country, you should be a little more leary of how you present yourself. We didn't see Chelsea Clinton out partying it up when she was 17.
I didn't see much press on Chelsea Clinton... most of it was focused on how her father was presenting himself as President of the U.S. with his many mistresses. Regardless, this is a weak argument for this debate.

QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Sep 3 2008, 08:42 PM)
But yes, it's 2008, and I suppose boozing alcohol and getting knocked up at 17 are so becoming so common place to the point that they are morally accepted. And above it all, what matters more than anything these days is whether your hot or not. It's sad, really.
I agree, it's sad that they're in this situation. Did you have sex before marriage TC? I'm reading between the lines of your comments and assuming YES, so I don't see your position to be able to throw stones.

QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Sep 3 2008, 08:42 PM)
Do you keep up with current events BESIDES the US election?
Hm... you really believe Russia is trying to rebuild Georgia? Do you also think Georgia attacked Russia for nor eason? I followed it pretty closely... I think you're a little out-of-the-loop on this one. But that's enough about Georgia for this debate...

QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Sep 3 2008, 08:42 PM)
Hussein is a traditional Arabic name. Why would you make fun of it? At least it has meaning to it.
Give us some good debate, instead of complaining about the name choices she made. But, I was always curious where BARACK came from?? He went by Barry throughout his childhood and college... I guess Barack sounded better for someone going into Civil Liberties

QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Sep 3 2008, 08:42 PM)
Yes, and Bush's approval rating SPIKED right after 9-11 to the highest approval rating ever recorded by Gallup, 90%! But since then it has been on a continuous decline.
Ah yes... that's when EVERYBODY was FOR going to war, right? And I guess we should've just pulled out immediately and said 'hell with it'

QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Sep 3 2008, 08:42 PM)
Not control her, but you'd think that her mother being the governor of an entire state, she'd have more sense. And yeah, that marriage is really going to last. Hell if I married the first guy who I had sex with, I'd probably be on the streets snorting cocaine by now. The truth of it is, at 17, you're not ready for marriage. Hell at 24 I still can't say that I am fully ready for it. And then having a baby on top of it, forget it.
I've been with my wife since I was 17. We're happily married.
Cocaine? Yeah, I remember hearing Obama admit to using Cocaine as a teenager...

QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Sep 3 2008, 08:42 PM)
Teens are going to have sex, and not educating them on how best to protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases is simply ridiculous. What really takes the cake is that Palin supports abstinence programs in schools instead of sexual education. Look how well that worked.
Pot calling kettle black?

I haven't read Bullfrog, radu, RED'z, or EVO's post yet... but i'll have to reply to those later. I'm busy.
Old 09-04-2008, 08:09 AM
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Correct. We are all humans, responsible for our own actions, our parents stop being able to control us the first time they let us out of the house on our own.

My dad and younger brother are Mormons.

Doesn't mean I practice it.

The general concensus says that, but that doesn't mean they are right. Who forms the general concensus? The Media does here in the USA. And before everyone thinks I'm blaming everything on them, I know what I'm talking about. My first job in the Army was as a Psychological Operations Specialist. Guess what they do? They learn how to make TV shows, commercials, radio broadcasts, all of that stuff, to make the target audience do what we want them to do (the tactical side of Psyops is MUCH more interesting and fun in my opinion though). You learn how it works, you learn how to do it, then you put it into practice. Go find the real answers on your own, everyone spins everything to meet their beliefs or agenda, but the truth is a mix of all sides.

As for democracy, you are right. But looks like it's working decently over there and taking hold.

*NINJAR EDIT* BTW, did anyone else see the DNC? The end of it, what was with the music and fanfare? I understand everyone is excited, it's an exciting time, the first believed to be serious black candidate/celebrity with a chance at the white house and all, but my god, it was a bit much. One would have expected to see Jesus and Mary walk on stage with the BS going on at the end of it. No worries, if they do the same at the RNC, I'll say the same thing. I wouldn't want to call the pot black.
Old 09-04-2008, 10:14 AM
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And your point?

Guess you didn't see the report that the biggest issue for rebuilding NO right now is the illiteracy of the people living there? Came out like 2 weeks ago. Why isn't Obama down there helping? Where is Mayor Ray Nagin? Why isn't he out there fixing something? The world is bigger than the US, and yeah, isolationism works great (see the leadup to WWII).

My point is that the US should focus more on it's own citizens, especially now. I'm certainly not suggesting the US completely cease external affairs. But we're spending $2 billion per WEEK on the war in Iraq, still to this day. We're so concerned with rebuilding Iraq when parts of our own country are falling apart.

It took Bush how long to respond to Katrina? And now they have to evacuate the entire city when another hurricane comes along. That's pretty bad. No I didn't see the report, but perhaps the illiteracy rate is because the people left in New Orleans are the ones who were unable to pick up and start their lives somewhere else. The people that society would rather forget.

Oh yeah, and who was in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina helping rebuild? Who established the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund and coordinated private relief donations with George Bush Sr? Bill Clinton.

I have to agree. You make fun of her kids names, but HUSSIEN OBAMA is fine with you? I could care less if Hussien is a common Muslim or Arabic name, everyone keeps fighting and arguing that he's not some sort of Arabic or Muslim sleeper agent, but his middle name is still Hussien? why wouldn't he have changed that back before he started in politics what, 6 years ago?

I have no problem with it. Just because it's an Arab name, should I assume he's a terrorist and fear him? Or maybe he should whitewash his name to something like John Smith to appease everyone. Maybe he'll get more votes that way.

Like I said, I brought up her kid's names because they made me laugh, not as an arguing point.

Unkay... Your supreme leader NObama said it's a non issue, he is from a teen pregnancy of a single mother (IIRC).

Ok, I clearly stated that I don't support him and will not be voting for him.

And WTF would party with Chelsea? She was uglier than KitFox till a year or 2 ago. Her mother is affectionately known as "The Ice Queen", would anyone want to party with her daughter?

Again reiterating my point that whether you're hot or not matters more than anything these days in this country. Besides, she was too busy earning her Masters to be partying.

Kinda funny, Gore said in 2003 when the runup for the next election was going on that he would have done the exact same things as Bush after 9/11.

And Bush did well to begin with. But it got out of hand and dragged on longer than it should have.

I agree, it's sad that they're in this situation. Did you have sex before marriage TC? I'm reading between the lines of your comments and assuming YES, so I don't see your position to be able to throw stones.

Yes of course I did. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed and all that good stuff. But i just couldn't say I fully believed in what I had learned, so I choose to be atheist, not believing in any religion. Doesn't mean I don't have my own morals and values.

Hm... you really believe Russia is trying to rebuild Georgia? Do you also think Georgia attacked Russia for nor eason? I followed it pretty closely... I think you're a little out-of-the-loop on this one. But that's enough about Georgia for this debate...

No of course not. But it all comes down to politics, which is teh reason why Bush is sending $1 Billion of our money over there. But yeah I won't get into that, it's a whole different argument.

Ah yes... that's when EVERYBODY was FOR going to war, right? And I guess we should've just pulled out immediately and said 'hell with it'

Yup, we were pissed off, especially in New York, in the communities that lost so many people that day. But once things started going from get Bin Laden to get Sadam to then actually getting Sadam and now the war dragging along, people stopped supporting the war.

Pot calling kettle black?

Not really, I have not once been pregnant, nor do I have any STDs. We had an excellent Sex Ed course in high school that actually taught you in depth about STDs and condoms and the like.

Old 09-04-2008, 10:30 AM
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I don't see a difference... both having pre-marital sex as teenagers, but one gets pregnant and the other doesn't. Is one different than the other? They were both at risk for pregnancy. We all know pills and rubbers aren't fool proof.

And are you really blaming Katrina on Bush? I have a co-worker who was living in Louisiana during the hurricane, attending LSU. She says Louisiana gets warnings and evacuations to leave because they're ALWAYS fearing "the big one" that will destroy the cities. They've known the potential, that's why levies were built in the first place.

Nashville was a big relocation center for many from Louisiana. I know of 4 neighbors who moved into my subdivision as a result of Katrina. According to the people I've talked to, there was ample warning and evacuation reports, but the people chose to treat it as any other warning that didn't bring the destruction. I guess they were tired of evacuating when the storm ended up not being as bad as they thought. Some left, some chose not to, and maybe it was "the big one" that nobody expected.

Local government should have been much more involved IMO... and the levies should have been replaced and strengthened to support more after Katrina. They're setting themselves up for failure.

End of discussion for me. I'm lacking political topics and issues to debate. I saw her last night and was impressed. Great speaker, better than Nobama IMO and definitely a better speaker than Hillary (easier to watch, and no pant suit!).
Old 09-04-2008, 10:42 AM
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Oh no I'm certainly not blaming Bush for Katrina. I just think the response afterwards and to this day should be better. Yes local government should have stepped up more, but when the local government can't save itself, that's when the federal government needs to step in.
Old 09-04-2008, 10:47 AM
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QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Sep 4 2008, 10:14 AM)
My point is that the US should focus more on it's own citizens, especially now. I'm certainly not suggesting the US completely cease external affairs. But we're spending $2 billion per WEEK on the war in Iraq, still to this day. We're so concerned with rebuilding Iraq when parts of our own country are falling apart.

While I do agree here, the fault lays on the same folks, the Media and Congress. if they would direct the attention here, it would get worked on, it gets no attention, so it gets no work.

It took Bush how long to respond to Katrina? And now they have to evacuate the entire city when another hurricane comes along. That's pretty bad. No I didn't see the report, but perhaps the illiteracy rate is because the people left in New Orleans are the ones who were unable to pick up and start their lives somewhere else. The people that society would rather forget.

And since when has the direct handling of a natrual disaster ever been the responsiblity of the executive branch? I mean BEFORE Katrina. If i remember right, he was there what, the NEXT DAY? His security detail wouldn't let him land, so they did a flyby. BUSH, or any president, doesn't respond to hurricanes, their people do, and always have. could preparedness have been better? Yes. Could most of the lazy f***ers from NO gotten out before the hurricane on their own? DAMN SKIPPY. So what if you don't have a car or a bus, WALK THE HELL OUT!!! Now this latest hurricane comes along, the evacuate the entire city and go overboard with everything, and the attitude is back. Headlines all over the place were "government overreacts to minor hurricane", "city evacuated for no reason". Wow. Just a few days ago the entire press corps was saying this was the "Mother of all storms". Again, I guess it was Bush's fault that all those hundreds of busses were sitting in NO not being used, and not the mayor during Katrina. Right?

And I'm fine with forgetting them, they don't want to better themselves, then fine. I had a group of them living across the street from me. Nice neighborhood, but all they did was cuss, fight, play loud ass music from horrible sound systems, and constantly have the cops called. The owner had to pay 2500 dollars to get the place repaired when they left. THEY LET THEIR DOGS SHIT AND PISS INSIDE THE HOUSE!! On the walls, on the floor. 2 door frames were separated from the house, and they changed their oil on the car before they left and just let the oil drain onto the floor.

Model citizens.

Katrina could have been handled better, if more equipment was in the right place, at the right time. But when the military couldn't even get through the roads for days after because of debris and flooding, there's only so much you can do.

But of course, it's the presidents fault.

How the hell did this get changed to a Bush debate?

Oh yeah, and who was in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina helping rebuild? Who established the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund and coordinated private relief donations with George Bush Sr? Bill Clinton.

Uhm, no. Yes, it was those 2 former presidents, but the PRESENT President asked them to do it. Just like he did for those folks in the tsunami.

But I suppose we shouldn't have helped them either eh?

Like I said, I brought up her kid's names because they made me laugh, not as an arguing point.

And that's what this thread is about right? Laughing at kids names?

Ok, I clearly stated that I don't support him and will not be voting for him.

My mistake, I must not have caught that.

Again reiterating my point that whether you're hot or not matters more than anything these days in this country. Besides, she was too busy earning her Masters to be partying.

... WTF are you talking about? Hot or not has nothing to do with ANYTHING here. Chelsea was a dog, how many dogs you see out partying with the boys and getting preggers? Not many.

And Bush did well to begin with. But it got out of hand and dragged on longer than it should have.

So how long should a war go? Until it is won successfully? we should have pulled out when things got too bad for Joe Public? Wow. Think where things would be now over there if we had done that, as NObama suggested. Think seriously about it for a few minutes.

When a president, or someone else tells you something is going to take a LONG time, it's going to take a LONG time. How do you quantify long? If you are told it's going to be fought against many enemies, common sense will tell you that many > 1. Afganistan = 1. Iraq = 2. Iran = next. North Korea = Last.

And if you think it's not working, talk to Quadaffi.

No of course not. But it all comes down to politics, which is teh reason why Bush is sending $1 Billion of our money over there. But yeah I won't get into that, it's a whole different argument.

Surrreee, he's just sending a check by himself eh? No one else had any say in it eh? Last time I checked, Georgia was a democracy, an ally, and we help them out. Only so many ways to do so.

Yup, we were pissed off, especially in New York, in the communities that lost so many people that day. But once things started going from get Bin Laden to get Sadam to then actually getting Sadam and now the war dragging along, people stopped supporting the war.

Of course. That's America for you now. God forbid the revolution had taken 10 years or more, we'd all be eating crumpets.

The WAR in Iraq is over, has been for years. The insurgency has lasted, and is breaking. The people over there control 13 of 18 of their own "states". Wake up folks.

Not really, I have not once been pregnant, nor do I have any STDs. We had an excellent Sex Ed course in high school that actually taught you in depth about STDs and condoms and the like.

Your point? I got taught all of that too, hasn't stopped me from making some dumb choices in a moment of passion.


And TC, you are wrong. When LOCAL government doesn't do it right or step up, you go to the STATE government.

If you remember, the Governor was busy shredding emails and crying at the time.

So, the lack of their leadership gets Ray Nagin re-elected, a new governor, and all the blame on the Federal Government.
Old 09-04-2008, 11:33 AM
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i'm not a very politically concerned person but I have periodically jumped in to browse some of the opinions and saw this thread getting extremely boring and opionated. Being that this is a car forum and most garages have at least one poster of a chick in a bikini or nothing for every 6 feet of working space I was really just hoping for some bikini, topless, scantly clad or even nude pics of Sarah Palin. So hear's my contribution to this thread.

of course thats a photochop but I can't find anything else
Old 09-04-2008, 11:41 AM
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laugh.gif haha.gif lmao.gif haha.gif
Old 09-04-2008, 12:19 PM
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That needs to be posted in the 18+ forum and linked back here if it contains nudity, not to mention a NSFW warning as well if applies . Just by reading your response i say it warrants both but i have not looked because I am at work.
Old 09-04-2008, 03:44 PM
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Picture is work safe. Shows her in a bikini (chopped Im sure)

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