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T-shirt Hell closing?

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Old 02-23-2009 | 11:57 AM
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Default T-shirt Hell closing?

A Message from Sunshine Megatron

I'm done. I'm finished. I can't take the stupidity anymore, so I'm leaving
and I'm taking my website with me. As of Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009, T-Shirt
Hell will be no more.

No, I'm not selling out to some douchebag corporate entity. No, we're not
being sued by any of the over 40 companies that have sent us cease and
desists over the years. No, I'm not going to jail (yet) and no, it's not
because of the economy. Although, the recent dip in sales certainly does
make the idea easier to accept, even though we still sell over 3000 shirts
a week.

I started this company in June of 2001, nearly 8 years ago, with the
intention of producing the best satirical, the most controversial, the
funniest t-shirts on the internet. Generally speaking, I feel I've
accomplished that and am satisfied with what we've put out. I made a
shitload of dough along the way. I've done cocaine off the better body
parts of supermodels. I've even raped and killed a mountain panda in the
hills of Shaanxi. But these perks are besides the point.

I just don't feel like dealing with idiots anymore. I'll give you an
example of the kind of misguided morons we deal with on a regular basis at
T-Shirt Hell. We released a new shirt a couple weeks ago that says "It's
not gay if you beat them up afterwards". I will not explain the irony or
the social commentary of the slogan because anyone with half a brain should
be able to handle that on their own. Problem is, we've been besieged with
emails from angry people complaining about the "fact" that the shirt is
hate speech or that we're promoting gay bashing and should take it down

Comments like:
"I can't even believe people buy this SH*T. Do you realize your supporting
a hate crime? That makes you feel better about yourself? Wow you need a
life. We're all human beings and you can't except it."
"It's Not Gay:If You Beat Them Up After"?? That is highly inappropriate and
very very morally wrong. I will be advising everyone I know to avoid buying
anything from your site until shirts like this are removed. In this world
people are fighting for equality and a chance to be themselves without fear
of being beat up because of who they are, yet here is an established
website promoting hate and violence. You all should be ashamed of

Now, I can't say I'm surprised we're getting hate mail from people who have
nothing better to do than to start half-assed campaigns because of their
lazy, just enough passion for an email, ideals towards a misguided cause.
It happened when we did our first really controversial shirt, "The School
Shootings Tour", it happened when we did our "What About All The Good
Things Hitler Did" shirt, it happened when we did our "Arrest Black Babies
Before They Become Criminals" shirt (boy did it happen then). It used to
happen all the time when we did more social commentary and didn't give a
F*CK about what anyone thought and did shirts that did not leave anyone
out. Unfortunately, as a concern for the safety of my employees, we don't
push the envelope as much anymore...and I can't say I feel good about
having caved in.

Anyway, rather than cater to the masses, I'm just going to stop making
shirts. It's not enjoyable anymore and I have enough money to move on to
something more rewarding. Maybe I'll start my own hooker farm or maybe I'll
practice sleeping. Whatever I decide to do, it will be better than this.

Attention any venture capitalists or independent investors/business
assholes who are about to inquire about purchasing T-Shirt Hell. Don't. You
won't do the company justice and I won't take that chance. I'm putting it
to sleep. It's over.

That's right, I'm crazy. I'm pulling the plug on a company I could have
sold for millions. Why in the fucking world would I do something so stupid?
Because I can. I don't care about money. This is the way I've always done way.

So, to all the kickass motherfuckers who supported us and REALLY got what
we were trying to do, thank you (no, not you, you racist idiots who thought
we actually had racist intentions and no, not you, you dumb as a stump
fucks who just think any shirt with the word "F*CK" on it is as right as
rain). Thanks to all the people who contributed to my vice fund and at the
same time helped make a funny statement about the world today.

As a final farewell, I'm going to bring back some of the top selling Worse
Than Hell shirts as a F*CK you to those who forced me to remove them. To
those who are offended by them and to those who think I'm racist, promoting
rape, a nazi, homophobic or just the world's biggest asshole...well, at
least you think I'm something, which means I've achieved what I wanted.

Thanks to Gary, Mika, Jacob, Greg, Bob, the black lady who writes our
newsletter, and to everyone else who was part of T-Shirt Hell. Time to move
on to even greater things. I'll miss you (by miss, I mean, it's going to
suck not being able to give you my excellent reach arounds when you least
expect them).

F*CK you,

-Sunshine Megatron
Old 02-23-2009 | 12:18 PM
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Yep. Found out about it back in Jan. They've been "closed" for 2 weeks now.

The good thing is, they temporarily started printing some of the older shirts that made them famous, like the "school shootings tour" shirt.

I know they're supposed to be officially closed now, but since they didn't have a reason to rush to close down, maybe they'd still take orders if the orders were big enough.
Old 02-23-2009 | 07:01 PM
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Thats sad. Was a good site with good stuff.
Old 02-23-2009 | 07:14 PM
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"Revealing the truth to the wold...

T-Shirt Hell going out of business? Really? Because of some hate mail? Are you fucking kidding me?

picture 1To all the haters who were glad to see us go and really thought I was closing down because of a few angry e-mails; good one, suckers. To all the people who called me a pussy and who really believed I would cave in to the retarded masses, like a little baby, you can EAT MY SMELLY VAGINA.

Do you really think I would hang it all up because of hate mail? Give me a break...the site is called T-Shirt Hell. I guess I should have named it 'T-Shirt Cunt Rape Faggot Nigger', so less of you fuckers would have taken the bait.

Why in the world would I shut down a website that brings so much satisfaction to people who actually have a sense of humor? To customers who can't stand this ever-expanding, politically correct asylum we are imprisoned in? To women and children and men and farm animals who not only love what we do, but who cherish the fact that we CAN do it? Yes, we can. F*CK you if you can't take a joke.

I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell - "F*CK YOU IF YOU CAN'T TAKE A JOKE!" Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad! You've got to say, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to put up with these overly sensitive morons who can't take a joke anymore". Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the assholes who look at you funny. But first get up out of your chairs, stand up in your cubicles, put down your bongs, zip up your pants and yell, '"F*CK YOU IF YOU CAN'T TAKE A JOKE!"

T-Shirt Hell is not going out of business. In fact, we wouldn't leave even if we had to resort to selling dead babies for food when this economy truly hits the fan. Consider Feb, 2009 a fresh start for us. We're going to be bigger, better and more fucked up than before. Worse Than Hell is back. The black lady who writes the most intellectually (anally) stimulating newsletter on the net is back. We're fucking back. But oh...wait...we never actually left.picture 1

And just so I make this clear. I haven't decided to keep T-Shirt Hell going because of the tens of thousands of supportive emails we received or because of the press and sales we generated over the last 3 weeks (nearly 100,000 shirts sold). We were never...ever...leaving in the first place. Let's just call it tough love. Sometimes you need to kick your loved ones in the assholes to get them to satisfy their need for awesome t-shirts (and to fill my bank account). I know a lot of our fans are stingy motherfuckers and need to be "inspired" to get off their fat asses to spend money in ways that truly enhance lives and bring joy to the world. Well, that's what I did.

Let's call it my own personal stimulus package (besides my normal, daily "personal stimulus" if you know what I'm sayin). In 3 weeks, I've done EXACTLY what is needed to stimulate any economy..and that is to get people to open their wallets. Not only did the last 3 weeks save jobs at T-Shirt Hell, they've opened up a whole new world to the people who had never bought our shirts until now.

Did you know that 9 out of 10 people who wear T-Shirt Hell shirts actually increase their job security, with 6 of those people getting substantial raises? Did you realize that owning one or more T-Shirt Hell products actually raises the value of your 401k by a minimum of 25%? Were you aware that buying 3 or more T-Shirt Hell shirts at once will actually secure for you the most important seat in the White House? (Member id: barackoutwmcockout44, Name: Barack Obama, Address: Chicago, IL, 3 shirts purchased, November 1st, 2008) Thanks B, we "hope" you're enjoying your "I'd Rather Be Snorting Cocaine Off A Hooker's Ass" tee, your "I Shaved My Balls For This?" hoodie, and quite fittingly, your "Sorry About What Happens Later" ringer. Oh, the irony.

What I'm trying to say is this...our shirts are the key to fixing this economy and to getting people back on track. You don't need to thank me because I can feel the gratitude emanating from around the world at this very moment. It's a warm, fuzzy feeling. You're welcome."

Holy God, I edited my post so it's no longer 50 pages long... LOL You can read the rest of the post on the link above.......
Old 02-24-2009 | 05:51 PM
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Old 03-04-2009 | 06:25 PM
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Hooray for publicity stunts. rolleyes.gif
Old 03-05-2009 | 06:50 PM
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I love that website... Makes me laugh everytime...

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