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Official Bush vs. Kerry Thread

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Old 08-12-2004, 09:23 AM
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I voted for Kerry on this poll cause my brother is going to Iraq at the end of the month. I don't believe Kerry will pull the troops out of Iraq entirely, being a military man himself, he knows the importance of mainting a presence in Iraq BUT I feel he will he pull a number of troops out.

For the imigration thing, I am hispanic and I am AGAINST any more illegal immigrants coming over. Most people don't realize the severity of the changing social dynamics that is effecting our country with this. First of all, it will be harder for those of us who do not speak spanish (yes I do not speak spanish) to get jobs in the future as alot of government and state jobs perfer to hire bilingual--it's very evident here in South Texas..and I've been passed on a job because of this..Second..our country was founded/based on the principals reflected by our forefathers religious beliefs who came to this country to flee religious persecution/intolerance. Have you ever asked yourself WHO was doing all the persecutions? Does Spainish inquisition/Rieghn of Terror come to mind? Yes it was the Catholics doing the persecuting...I find it ironic that Catholism will eventually be the most practice reilgion in the US due to the high rate of immigration from predominate Catholic hispanics..Bush and Kerry will not stop hispanice vote BECAUSE they want the nations fasted growing populace to vote for them.. The above statements are my own opinion and not that of Kspec. I also am not trying to belittle anyone here and apologize in advance for any hosptiliy/hatred toward my words. I merely am reflecting historical fact. There's mote to say but I'll stop thank you
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:36 AM
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Default Re: Official Bush vs. Kerry Thread

The thing is pulling ANYONE out of Iraq until they have their own military back up and running is a BAD move. We actually need MORE over there but there's no one else to send!

Vote for who you are gonna vote for, but the point is VOTE! If you don't vote, you have no right to talk shit about the next president. NONE. I can see not liking a president or a candidate, but you gots to have good reasons for it. I hated Clinton because he dishonored the Presidential office, was impeached for it (Yes, he WAS impeached), and was a chicken shit when it came to dealing with Osama and his buddies. Because of his cowardly actions and his bringing down the military, we are where we are now.

I do not like Kerry because he's a freaking Liar. We've all shown proof of it, and these are BIG lies, BEFORE HE"S BEEN ELECTED!!!! He dishonored the Military and it's memory by throwing his medals that he's now basing his campaign on over the fence in front of the Capital building. He ratted out on his fellow sailors and soldiers after Vietnam for doing the same stuff HE was doing. Stuff that all of them should have refused from the start. He pushed for POW's to not get the correct treatment they deserved. He pushed for the Military to get cut down like it was before Bush took office. He stays on whatever side of the vote he thinks will make him the most popular. He digs on the President for doing what has HAD to be done, while in the past, he said that this is EXACTLY WHAT HAS to be done.

He's 2 faced, a liar, and a backstabbing hippie.
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Old 08-12-2004, 10:08 AM
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George Washington was firmly against the party system back in his we see why..we basicaly only have two choices..neither of them are clean. As far as REDZ saying there's no more..they're sending the reservist brother's a reservist and they're sending more from Texas that I know of. ON the other side..moral is low and there is a general distrust of the government and private sector as well due to recent events. Yes we do have to vote but what choices do we have? The Democrats and Republicans have monopolized the system. They squish any other party that tries to emerge to protect their turf.
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Old 08-12-2004, 10:18 AM
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Default Re: New wheels and other stuff

I do agree with the thought that the party system needs to go. I don't see it happening, but this Democrat/Republican shit is stupid. I am independant and vote for who I think is best.

Reservists have been part of this from the beginning mang, we have several Reserve units from NM deployed over there now. There isn't any major units left that haven't been deployed. We barely have enough folks in the US Army to keep one major unit out of action while the others are all over there. Reservists were killed during the initial invasion and still are. It's part of it. Lots of folks join the reserves thinking they'll never go anywhere, I was a reservist for 3 years. You go places. You are there for the emergency's. If you join the Reserves just for college money, you better learn how to shoot a rifle. LOL

As for Morale, I just got out in December and it's still pretty high. Way higher than it was at any time under the Clinton administration. Yeah, it sucks having to go to war, yeah, there are other things you'd rather do, but everyone that signs up knows that bullets are part of the business. Everyone I knew of in the Military defiantely preferrs and supports Bush more than anyone since his Father.

Voting. We have tons of choices. The problem is that still, what, almost %50 of the US doesn't vote? Shit, get them to vote, it'll make a difference.
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Old 08-12-2004, 10:23 AM
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Default Climate Control! HELP?!?

Good post CyberShark.

I would personally find it hard to ever believe anything he says. I just don't trust him. It really seems like he tries to go for the most popular thing, not what he views as morally or ethically proper.
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Old 08-12-2004, 10:34 AM
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Default Re: Climate Control! HELP?!?

I meant that moral here is low..if there's little support here for getting things done correctly in Iraq..more people will get killed.
You answered your own question Redz, the government could get more people to vote with more aggresive advertisements and education but it only makes a token effort because Repubs and Demos do NOT want things to change..they want to keep it the way it is. I've followed politicans in the past and dealt with judges and other officials at my current job. MOST People become politicans to MAKE MORE MONEY AND RECEIVE KICK BACKS..
Most politicans are well off to begin with and become politicans to further their own gains..most of them at least
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Old 08-12-2004, 10:36 AM
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Take a political poll, possibly win a free iPod.

I agree, political parties are worthless. I vote Republican, and perhaps always will. I have stated before, I'm a striving Christian. I believe that the Republicans rely much more on Christian ethics than the democrats. I'm not entirely decided on my opinion of the death penalty. I'm for it, but not sure if it's ethically right from a Christian perspective. If anybody has some verses for me to look at, I'll consider them.

However, the main issues that divide Republicans from Democrats that has Christian ethics involved are Homosexuality, Abortion, and something else that I can't remember at the moment.
Abortion: Republicans against, Democrats for.

Clinton passed into law the ability for a woman to choose Partial Birth Abortion. We all know what this is, so I won't go into gruesome detail. As soon as Bush came into office, he kicked that out and made Partial Birth Abortion illegal. John Kerry, however, has voted FOR Partial Birth Abortion. He has also made the statement that, "ethically he views it as wrong, but he will uphold the law." Which made absolutely NO SENSE to me. He thinks it's wrong, but he'll vote for it anyways? It was only a law because he DID vote for it!! He had the ability and the chance to let his ethics decide, but in this case, I believe he went with the popular vote.

Homosexuality, well, it's legal in Massachusetts, does that tell you anything? He's voted for it. He approves of it. He believes we have the 'right' to marry anyone we want to (equal rights). In reality, All men have the equal right to marry any woman, not blood related to themselves. In reality, All women have the right to marry any man that is not blood related to themselves. We should not offer special rights to those who choose to be different, and yes, I do believe it is a choice.

I will not vote for somebody who will not act upon his own morals and ethics, but instead chooses what is popular and what will make himself more popular. He's too interested in personal gain.
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Old 08-12-2004, 12:31 PM
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Default Re: Climate Control! HELP?!?

I just came across reading this and thought I would share and see what everyone's opinions are on this.
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Old 08-12-2004, 12:38 PM
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Default Re: Climate Control! HELP?!?

Firebug, I fully agree with that news story, that's exactly what the asshole did, and exactly why he VOLUNTEERED for the Navy, and exactly why he uses it all now.

He ISN't fit for command.
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Old 08-12-2004, 12:45 PM
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Last time I checked America was formed on the foundation of no specific religion. Thus, making country wide laws that do no more than follow one religious belief simply goes against eventhing that this country was founded for! People came here to escape the religious prosicution. That is by all means what Bushy is trying to do. Religion is separate from government. Bushy does not see it that way since he pushes around his "faith" every opertunity he gets.
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