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Jesus H. Christ

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Old 01-05-2002, 05:45 PM
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Default Jesus H. Christ

Can somebody please explain to me what the hell the "H" in Jesus H Christ means?Seriously I've noticed this alot recently that people say or write, Jesus H. Christ.
I dont get it. Do they mean F, but just dont want to say that or is there something I'm missing. If not then while your using his name in vain you might as well go all the way. Jesus ****ing christ makes a lot more sense to me. Or atleast Jesus F'in Christ, if you'd prefer to not curse for some reason. *****ing" now that adds emphasis. If you want to show your passion about something throw a few ****s in there, for ****s sake.
Jesus H Christ. You ever hear anybody say that before? WHy? Is it Jesus Holy Christ? That doesnt really sound right. Happy? Maybe its Handy? He Was a carpenter.
Did Jesus have a middle name I'm not aware of. Jesus Harold Christ. That just wouldnt be right. Sounds like a serial killer.

I dont even think the people that say this know what they are saying. I'm going to ask next time I hear it. People are usually mad at something when they use it, so it'll be great time to bother them. I'll probably get alot of obscenities as a response. Good, thats what they should be saying in the first place.

I'm going to say Jesus Happy Christ from now on. Thats just funny. It'll make me smile, bring some light to whatever misadventure I happen to be in at the moment. I suggest everyone else do the same. Lets give some meaning to the poor H in Jesus H. Christ. H is a letter to commonly overlooked as it is. Not too many cool words I can think of start with H. Hemp is pretty cool.
Even a word like Whore, which so obviously should be an H word, has a W thrown in front for some reason. What a rip. And further more its silent in alot of words too. Thats just rough.<-----See?

Jesus Happy Christ what am I talking about.
Old 01-05-2002, 11:16 PM
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The H stands for Harold, as in, "Our Father, who art in heaven, Harold be thy name" (snort).

Actually, I've heard numerous explanations for the H over the years. The first is that it stands for "Holy," as in Jesus Holy Christ, a common enough blasphemy in the South, abridged to H by fast-talking Northerners. Other colorful Southern epithets include Jesus Hebe Christ and Jesus Hebrew Christ, which abbreviate the same way. The drawback of this account is that it is so boring I can barely type it without falling asleep. Luckily, the other theories are more entertaining:

(1) It stands for "Haploid." This is an old bio major joke, referring to the unique (not to say immaculate) circumstances of Christ's conception. Having no biological father, J.C. was shortchanged in the chromosome department to the tune of one half. Ingenious, I'll admit, but whimsy has no place in a serious investigation such as this.

(2) It recalls the H in the IHS logo emblazoned on much Christian paraphernalia. IHS dates from the earliest years of Christianity, being an abbreviation of "Jesus" in classical Greek characters. The Greek pronunciation is "Iesous," with the E sound being represented by the character eta, which looks like an H. When the symbol passed to Christian Romans, for whom an H was an H, the unaccountable character eventually became accepted as Jesus's middle initial.

(3) Finally, a reader makes the claim that the H derives from the taunting Latin inscription INRH that was supposedly tacked on the cross by Roman soldiers: Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Hebrei (Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Hebrews). Trouble is, the inscription is usually given as INRI: Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum (J.C., King of the Jews).

I stole that from some website.

btw...Jesus was the SON of a carpenter. No one knows what he did during his childhood.

I hope this clears things up for you. =-)
Old 01-06-2002, 02:29 AM
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no actually it is known what he did during his child hood. in the bible and else where in roman history and i do believe several accounts of indian history as well there are records of him as a child teaching and asking questions amongst the pharisees in the synagouges and various places and the pharisees and other spiritual leaders being astonished by his knowledge and seeming authority.

now his young adult years probably in the late teens to mid twenties not alot is known before he started his public ministry other than the fact the he himself was a carpenter.
Old 01-06-2002, 02:40 AM
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No, Jesus actually was a carpenter. As was his father, Joseph. You know this because the bible says when Jesus got older he left the business. And that quote is wrong. Jesus did have a father, his name was Joseph, who was his earthly father, and it was God that impregnated Mary and told Joseph to take her in as his wife. So he did have a father, and he was a carpenter wink.gif
Old 01-06-2002, 02:46 AM
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yeah!! Im sure we have all seen those bumperstickers that read: My boss is a Jewish carpenter
Old 01-06-2002, 05:22 AM
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Be it as it may, but there are also theories and written accounts putting your son of god in the east at the time of his late teens to late 20's studying with buddhist monks. Your bibles are, unfortunatly, full of innaccuracies or contradictions, so who's really to say? The movie 'the last temptation of chist' had jesus making crosses full the romans to crucify people. Many others place him in other places doing different things. *shrug* I was just commenting on the joke. Sorry to offend all the x-ians here with someone elses truths =-)
Old 01-06-2002, 12:31 PM
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#1 i am not christian , i am more a satanist than anything else.
#2 i already aluded to the fact that the budhist faith particularly in india and elsewhere have records of him and even large quotes and teachings in their books, but there is a section of his life where not alot is known at all. there are some who believe that he either hid himself and taught or learned from those called 'the masters'. either before going into carpentry or after he was a carpentor, but before he began his public ministy.
#3 the innaccuracies in the bible come about because of the translation from their original langauges to the more modern english languages verions and other languages. example being in the orginal hebrew a word may mean a sphere and when it is translated over to english the exact meaning is lost and it reads circle. a circle and sphere are not the same thing. So, an inaccuracy occurs and exists as a contradiction to what is known when you read a verse such as "He whom sits upon the circle of the earth." there are thousands of other such "contradictions" that can be proven not to be, if one knows hebrew and greek and takes the time to study the bible in its original languages where the true meanings behind every word and phrase exactly alludes to the words being used.
Old 01-06-2002, 03:29 PM
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hmm..maybe he drove a Hyundai
Old 01-07-2002, 03:11 AM
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Nope, it was a hot rod (tee hee). tongue.gif (just waiting to see if anyone gets it)
Old 01-07-2002, 03:25 AM
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Originally posted by TibGrrl:
Nope, it was a hot rod (tee hee). :p (just waiting to see if anyone gets it)

eek.gif eek.gif

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