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Google Wave Demo

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Old 05-29-2009, 01:26 PM
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WARNING, THIS VIDEO IS 120 MINUTES LONG!!! 1 hour and 20 minutes long

I suggest watching at least the first 12 minutes.

Google Wave uses HTML 5 and a browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.).

The first 12 minutes - Google Wave is demonstrated to show how e-mail will be transformed into a bulletin board similar format. Additionally, the "e-mail" or thread can be used as instant messaging, where you can SEE AS THEY TYPE, character by character (feature can be disabled). It looks awesome... and someone can be invited to the conversation at any time and see the entire thread.

At the 15 minute mark, they show how you can simply DRAG AND DROP files from one folder to the browser window. Once dropped in the browser window, they will appear on other computers immediately, thumbnails will be displayed even before pictures have fully transferred. AWESOME!

At 35 minutes, multiple edits to the same document can happen, real time, by multiple people, in multiple languages.

Thoughts? Ideas? Interesting stuff.... I like fing02.gif
Old 05-30-2009, 01:19 PM
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Okay so I watched almost 20min.. Ya know what I see? Another New Protocol being made. Lots more Exploits & Security issues.. More "supposed" Open Source.. More world domination by Google Inc...

So, what do I think of it? They took ideas from stuff that's been around for YEARS, some, Decades, and combined them.. Woop-de-do... The ONLY halfway neat idea was the Image attachments into the IM Thread. However.. The video shows everything happening speedy speedy. What they're not demonstating is or mentioning is everything is being done over an internal network which runs on gigabyte speeds..

Honestly, I'm not impressed, or enthused... Not to mention, they never say where the data is stored.. (read: Google Inc.)

So lets see.. Google owns yer email already with (7GB per acct? wtf) and now they want to own your IM sessions...

Sorry, but I'll keep my personal life and privacy to myself...
Old 05-30-2009, 01:28 PM
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    [*]My life isn't important enough for Google to care what I'm saying. They will have tons of data, able to perform data analysis on the tens of millions of people using Google. They aren't able to associate the data with any one individual (nor would they care to). It's no different than having a Sam's Club Card, Costco Card, VISA, Mastercard, or any other card that monitors your transactions or provides a "discount" or "reward" for using the card.[*]I believe they mentioned several times that they're connected via VPN and that everything's located on a SAN[*]I agree, it's a lot of things currently available through an intranet, sharepoint, or something similar. What I like is the fact it's through a basic web browser, available to all users, open to everyone, and the integration of other sites into one common place. This is something my grandmother can access and use.[/list]
    I do, however, see your fear. I believe Google will (if not already) become the next Microsoft. They may become far worse. I also don't see the security risks being any different than your current e-mail account.
Old 05-30-2009, 02:51 PM
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very cool so far.

i've only watched to about the 20 min mark or so, but im still watching..

i personally, can't wait until its available. i think its a great idea combining all these common things (bulletins, blogs, IM, email, etc) so you don't need accounts on 15 diff sites to do all the things you need to do.

I also like the fact that during the demonstration, they were using safari, firefox, chrome, mac, and PC to show that it will work well between everything.

its really neat how you can add people to conversations, reply to certain parts, and the playback feature was a great idea. the realtime typing is also pretty cool. glad they also added the option to turn it off.

yes, they took many different ideas, but they put them together like never before (as far as i know) which is a big innovation and will be a HUGE benefit to alot of internet users like myself.

im stoked about this coming out, especially the fact it would be within the browser.
Old 05-30-2009, 09:54 PM
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stauf... I just read this article:

From the article:
Google has said it will "federate" Wave. That means it will make it possible for anyone to operate their own Wave server and have it communicate with other Wave servers. This is just how e-mail works today: Anyone can run an e-mail server that can send messages to and receive messages from any other e-mail system. The Internet routes messages from server to server.

I was told that anyone will be able to "build their own Wave server without involvement from Google." That means corporations and governments will be able to deploy their own instances of Wave inside their secure firewalls if they like, and decide how or if they want to open up their servers to the outside world. For businesses with strict data retention and auditing requirements (e.g., all public companies, governmental agencies, health care businesses, etc.), this also means that they'll be able to write in software to meet their needs; or that other companies will be able to create and sell Wave servers. (If, that is, business gets behind Wave at all.)

To me, this means that Google will not possess all information used in waves
Old 05-31-2009, 01:44 AM
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majik -

E-Mail account risks.. More then you may think; and that is for ppl who "don't" use Outlook.. To those ppl, dear god...

You'd be surprised how little info over a broad span of time/data can create quite a nice map of someone. You'd be even more suprised how such data is used and where it comes from.

To anyone who thinks "Why would I care" or "Why would they care", well. Why Wouldn't They.... I'm not trying to play conspiracy theorist here, I've been around 20yrs in this field... I've been on both teams..

Now to the article you found. Lets see... Lets take millions of (appoligies in advance), idiot kids and blog hogs and have them setup and run a server on their computer. Yep, sounds just peachy to me.. Hey, I'll have clients callin me again! w00t! Seriously tho, that article talks as if these ppl are smart, no offense to anyone, but statistically... That concept of everyone running their own server would only 'easily' apply to business/corperate/government who have their own networking dept. And I'm not talking some highschool kid who drools over facebook, twitter, myspace and cries when they don't work. Conceiving that Joe average can setup and run a server safely and securely is, well, fairly dim... The only way I could see Joe Average running it, is if you downloaded it and ran it, that's it.. It came as a file completely setup. However, that's doubtfull considering your talking about a server in which the idea sways to security which then gets involved.

Now consider gamers for a second. For the most part, before routers everyone was happy however highly at-risk. Routers came out to save everyone enmass, and they cried because now their online gaming came to a halt.. The same can be said for 'other' protocols but that's another topic.. So what happened? Companies starting Preconfiguring routers with gaming profiles built in. Rejoyce the gamer did as now he just plugs it in and it works again. The flaw of course is while everything else is safe, the poor guys open again for attack on certain ports/protocols. Yes, this is a compromise; and a fair one as at least he's safer everywhere else. I forsee this being the same fate for Wave if they make the server easy enough to run. The pitfall however, is it's not just a gaming port, rather a bidirectional data port... Think of it as a WiFi connection, that's open....

Now sorry for the lecture there.. But last point.. Google will always posses info, for anyone to think different would be a fool.

So when it comes out, if I can make a buck hosting a secure server, so be it.. I'll offer a forum discount... =)

-the grey hat

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