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Fahrenheit 9/11

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Old 06-25-2004, 06:52 AM
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Wake up folks, stop watching whatever is on the popular news. Educate yourselfs, then see the truth.

^^thats exactly why I dont watch the news often....b/c if its not a robbery or murder, its just plain bullshit that is on the news. The last time i watched a GOOD (in terms of appropriate and ACCURATE content) report on the news was when columbia broke up.

ok, i have to get in on this now too.....

Bowling for Columbine.......BLOWS.

Fahrenhiet 9/ sick of hearing about 9/ happened, ppl lost thier lives, we mourned as a country for a couple of weeks. The only ppl that can still b**** are the families of the ppl who died....the rest of this country needs to quit crying about soemthing that had barely any direct effect on them, or better yet join one of the armed forces and f***ing do something about it. IMHO, i think that all that 9/11 did to this country is was show how much ppl here LOVE TO JUMP ON THE BAND WAGON. Exactly how many flags do you remember seeing on bumper stickers and car windows before 9/11......not very many. not very many ppl are patriotic any more (armed forces not included in that statement). Its really sad that the only times ppl show pride in their country is when they get the day off from work (4th of july) or something terrible happens and thousands of ppl lose thier lives. Neddless to say, I will NOT be going to see this movie, nor will i ever watch it when it comes out on cable or TV.

Now i'm not a fan of G-dub AT ALL...i think hes a moron....BUT i thinnk that he (Well, HIS ADVISORS ;-)) have done a great job w/ dealing with all of the shit that happened since he took office.
Old 06-25-2004, 07:09 AM
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To put it bluntly, we will NEVER know the truth of this... too many people on both sides have too much to hide. Wether or not the war on Iraq was justified or not.. it does not matter at the moment. We are there, the country is in shambles, and they need us to rebuild and pull them up way beyond the point they were at before. So no matter what happens, we are there for the next several years.. to pull out now would be the biggest travesty EVER committed upon humanity as a whole.

As for George W. While I do not like the man, I find him sneaky and rather ignorant.. I would not have wanted to be in his shoes sept 11. Like him or not, he was the right man at the time. He had a cabinent full of war hawks who knew how to take care of an enemy... And we did. We wiped out the Taliban in afganistan in no time flat, we toppled Saddam like he was a child.. we did a REALLY good job there... we just do not seem to know how to pick up after ourselves it seems. George W was the right man at the time.. now we need somebody who can clean up and put everything in it's right place. If that is Kerry, I really do now know.. but I do know that it is not our current president.
Old 06-25-2004, 07:27 AM
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Redz, you honestly believe Bin Laden is dead? I always heard he was really slippery and escaped each time from a cave. If he was dead, there could be no way they could keep that quiet. I wish he was dead, if he's not already.
Old 06-25-2004, 07:56 AM
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QUOTE (rockym20)
As a Canadian, I fully support the war on terrorism, however I do not support the war on Iraq, because it has nothing to do with it.
There are so many more reasons we should have gone to war with Iraq, even if 9/11 never happened. It's the humane thing to do (save a country from intentional killing of innocent civilians). Whether we are "sticking our noses into other people's business" or not, we should have done it.

Question: You see a woman being raped in an alley, it's obvious what's happening. Do you
A. Walk away and act like you never saw anything (those who are against the war)
B. Call 911 and try to help the situation (those who are for the war)
C. Go beat the crap out of the rapist yourself (those who are IN the war)

Come on people, it's common sense! :roll:

The Economy hasn't been mentioned since early January until recently. Why? Because it's doing very well. Ask people how the Economy is doing and they immediately say, "bad." Ask them how they're doing in their lives an many will easily answer, "good." The economy is really improving whether you know it or not. It doesn't matter who was President during 9/11... after something like that, the economy would have gone down no matter who was in charge.

They talk about how many people have died in Iraq. I hate the fact that ANYBODY has died, but when you look at the numbers, they are so few compared to other wars (thanks for posting REDZ). We're doing a great job. Whether Iraq is related to Al-Qaeda or not, who cares? Whether it should be part of the war on terrorism, who cares? It was the right thing to do and needed to be done. I say we hit Cuba next wink.gif oh wait, we can't do that! They haven't bombed us yet!!! :roll:

Back on topic:
Michael Moore is an idiot. As much so as our old Vice President Al Gore.
Have you EVER seen an ex-president or ex-vice president Bad Mouth any other administration as much as he has? He is the WORST thing for this country to be listening to! An ex-Vice President calling our current President a traitor, liar, and idiot? That is done in such bad taste. I wish someone could shut that fag up evil.gif

(I won't lock this, I like the debate and it's been good so far. Don't push it and everything will be fine) wink.gif
Old 06-25-2004, 08:20 AM
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All I have to say is drop gas prices like 60 cents, and you will have a lot of happy American's.
Old 06-25-2004, 08:28 AM
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QUOTE (tibwrcsbj)
thats exactly why I dont watch the news often....b/c if its not a robbery or murder, its just plain bullshit that is on the news. The last time i watched a GOOD (in terms of appropriate and ACCURATE content) report on the news was when columbia broke up.
You're watching CNN.. aren't cha? wink.gif try FoxNews every once in a while. They get the story from both sides, The Elephants AND the jack asses

As for gas prices, I think he would lower them if he could...that would ensure his presidency I think...

People were saying he jacked the prices up for his own benefit... which makes NO sense b/c doing so could hinder his re-election. Democrats just don't think things through before making allegations :roll:
Old 06-25-2004, 08:41 AM
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Well, let me respond to a few things.

1. The war in Iraq was directly part of the war on terror. The president made his list of the Axis if Evil when we were running thru Afganistan. Iraq, Iran, N. Korea.

a. Afganistan - Done

b. Iraq - Done. If you don't think they were part of the war on terror, talk to any of the people that Saddam oppressed and terrorized on a daily basis. He had also planned and attempted assasinations of Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr.

c. N. Korea - We could run thru N. Korea and finish them off in a month. Guaranteed. They need to be taken out of power, the Korean need to become one.

d. Iran - Look at them quaking in their boots about the entire nuke issue.

There is such a thing as proactivity folks. What the hell do you want? Us to sit back and wait for someone to sneak a nuke in and blow up a major city THEN go after everyone that is sneaky with nukes?

2. Bin Laden is dead - Why haven't we seen undisputable proof that he isn't? Why is Al Queda so weak now after Afganistan? Great, the dumb ass was hiding in a cave, and we carpet bombed the entire region. Let me put it this way. Dig a hole in some dirt about 3 feet deep at an angle like the letter L. At the bottom on the side, stick a gerbil (I know some of you sicko's have some, LOL). Drop 2,000 M80's in and round the hole. Look and see what's left of said gerbil. Can you say Gerbil Jelly? I knew you could. Bin Laden is dead, splattered across some rocks somewhere, buried in them collapsed tunnels. Even better, Hitler is still alive right? No? Where's his body?

3. PULL OUT!! - Come on guys. Read your history. This has happened before you know. Japan? Italy? Germany? When WWII & WWI ended do you think everything was roses? No. We lost THOUSANDS more troops in the months and YEARS after the fall of the Axis powers. Using the same damned tactics!!! Roadside bombs, mines, everything. Unfortunately, even when the good side wins, there are still folks that belive the retorhic and lies of the oppressive regime that ruled them. There are bad people. The Muslim faith isn't bad, it's the way it's perverted and twisted to make these folks think that, hey, I live in a cardboard box, let me kill a few Americans or WHOMEVER else so I can get killed and martyerd, then I go to paradise!

So, the answers...

1. Vote. Make your voice heard. If you don't vote, you have NO right to b**** about the presidents or politics in general.

2. Read. Put down the mouse, close out your porn folders on your PC, and READ something about the world's history. We are repeating it, and will, forever.

3. Watch. Watch the Discovery Channel. Watch the History Channel. Give up a weekend and even if they bore you, watch some shows about the different wars and events that make and made our world. Watch PBS, Nova, and some of the educational stuff out there. You'll be suprised how much you like it. Hell, you can even learn lots about history from watchin the Food Network.
Old 06-25-2004, 08:49 AM
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Excellent post, Redz. You make very valid points. The porn comment was epic.
Old 06-25-2004, 08:51 AM
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QUOTE (majikTib)
QUOTE (tibwrcsbj)
thats exactly why I dont watch the news often....b/c if its not a robbery or murder, its just plain bullshit that is on the news. The last time i watched a GOOD (in terms of appropriate and ACCURATE content) report on the news was when columbia broke up.

You're watching CNN.. aren't cha? wink.gif try FoxNews every once in a while. They get the story from both sides, The Elephants AND the jack asses

No, WHEN (about once a week) I watch the news its foxnews, cnn, cbs, abc, all of the major networks.

3. Watch. Watch the Discovery Channel. Watch the History Channel. Give up a weekend and even if they bore you, watch some shows about the different wars and events that make and made our world. Watch PBS, Nova, and some of the educational stuff out there. You'll be suprised how much you like it. Hell, you can even learn lots about history from watchin the Food Network

^^ i watch at least one of the above for an hour or two a day.

LOL REDZ, U DA MANG. BTW Food Network is THE BEST CABLE NETWORK AROUND......well maybe second, SPEED takes 1st, but i dont get it :-(, f***ing Comcast
Old 06-25-2004, 09:02 AM
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I love the Food Network.

Emril ownz joo!!!


USDTV doesn't have Speed, YET. They are adding Starz this weekend.

Also, now that I know alot about the Korean war, Halmark Channel has MASH on 2 times a day for 2 hours. That's 4 episodes, the new digitally remastered ones. I'm VERY suprised how accurate that show is.

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