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Facing A Huge Turning Point In My Life. Need Help Making A Decision.

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Old 10-16-2005, 02:35 AM
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I work at a fairly large, yet new, printing press in Nashville. I'm currently a pressman's helper making fair pay. I work 10-hour shifts, M-Th. with the usual Friday for overtime. Sometimes we work 12-hour shifts M-F (60hr weeks).

At the same time, I'm taking 15 hours at Trevecca Nazarene University. I have classes everyday from 9(:30) til 2(:30) depending on the day. I work from 3:45pm-1(3):45am depending on the 10 or 12hr shifts.

Obviously, if you can do simple math, I don't get much sleep. Nor much time for studying. School is slightly suffering (not doing as good as usual) and sometimes the lack of sleep catches up with me.

Here's my dilemma:
I am majoring in both Accounting and Information Technology.
I am a senior, but still have 2 more semesters after the current before I can graduate. I transferred from UTK and therefore have to make up some classes.

The Offer:
I am reasonably assured (90%) that I will be offered a promotion within the the next month. This promotion will come with a request that I quit school after this semester. I will have to work flexible hours (though most likely within the same time frame I am working now) and probably more 12hour shifts than I currently work. Management helps me out and doesn't require me to work 12's often b/c of school, but they wouldn't be able to keep me from working 12's if I take the promotion.

I will have to be trained for the new position for 6-8 weeks. During so, I will work a daytime shift so the proper person can train me (6am-4pm). I will spend about 3 weeks with the other employee full time, then eventually I will work half of a shift with him, and half on my own (so I can learn through experience). After 8 weeks total, I will be totally on my own and back to my night shifts.

My Probable Response:
I will ask to allow me to remain in school, yet only take Tues and Thurs. classes. I would be able to work 12 hour day shifts on MWF (no classes) and possibly 4 hours on night shift on Tues & Thurs (where another, less experienced employee could help train me).

This would allow me to finish my degree (which management recognizes as being very important) and still be able to train for my promotion. The reason they want me to quit school is so that I'm not focused on an exam or studying for school while trying to perform my duties.

I have been dating the same girl for over 5 years (some of you have met her). Due to her recent health problems, I am unable to marry her while I'm in school. I'm home now for about 5 hours per night during the week, 4 of which I'm sleeping. I wouldn't be able to physically take care of her if something were to happen (seizure, pass out, etc. etc.).

- I will get a 60% increase in pay hourly (base pay for position, future raises definite).
- The shop I work at CONSTANTLY needs everybody to work overtime. We run on deadlines, and sometimes there's no option than to work 60 hour weeks. My overtime pay would obviously go up greatly as well.
- This would allow me to go ahead and get married, start my life, and be able to afford to start a family.
- Lindsay (g/f) would be covered under my insurance from the company, whereas now she's only partially covered under her mom b/c she's temporarily disabled and unable to work.

- I get both of my degrees (neither of which I may use)
- Relatives are happy I didn't quit
- POSSIBLY have chance of getting career making 0-25% more yearly than what I would make with promotion

- I lose 4.5 years of hard work, and obtain neither of my degrees
- I start paying back immediately on my student loans
- I start paying my own health, dental, and car insurance (not student = not on parents insurance)

- I most likely WON'T use either of my degrees for a career
- I won't be able to get married and start my life for at least 1.5 or 2 years
- I remain under parents insurance, don't have to pay loans back yet and can save up for when I start.
- It might be 5+ years before I get the next opportunity to be promoted. I'll stay at same pay rate, which won't be enough to support family.


I mainly posted this because I needed to write/type it all out and see it. I need to think this through. So many pros and cons. Some of you completely understand my situation and could possibly help offer insight or advice on what I should consider. I appreciate any helpful responses or encouragement. I will be faced with the problem within the next week or two, and have to make a decision by mid-November I'm guessing.
Old 10-16-2005, 04:31 AM
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Is good work that difficult to find where you're from?

If it is, then take the promotion & keep working yourself into the ground (not my idea of fun).

If not, find another job to tie you over until you get your degrees then find a decent job with decent hours mate. With a degree (or even two) under your belt your chances of getting a good job increase ten-fold. It won't neccessarily be a job that has anything to do with your degrees but I know that most, if not all, large companies/corporations rate a candidate with a degree (any degree) more highly than an equally suited candidate with no degree; It shows them that you can focus on any given task & get the job done.

Sometimes I regret not going to University as I had the opportunity to study Industrial Design & Engineering with the grades I got in school; It's what I'd always wanted to do. Granted, the experience that I've accumulated over the last few years in various fields now serves me well enough to find a reasonable job but not neccessarily one that I could honestly say is my "Dream Job" with an equally "dreamy" paycheck.

Short-term hard work (printing press training) can lead to short-term reward (the promotion & more $) - Long-term hard work (Degrees) will nearly always reap better, long-term rewards (like a great career & the ability to CHOOSE the direction you take in Life).

The printing job will always be there... I'd stay in school mate fing02.gif
Old 10-16-2005, 09:29 AM
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Take the promotion and finish school. It will be a rough schedule, but it will pay off in the end my brother.

Dude, I know you on here for how long now? 4 years? And I've met you in person. You are a strong minded man with a hell of a good attitiude towards life. Finish them both up, suck up the extra pain for now, and reap the excellent benifits of your labors after. You can have the life both of you deserve (You know who I'm talkin about) if you finish school, and the money/placement in a current job to spend your time slowly looking for that "Dream Job" in the meantime.
Old 10-16-2005, 09:44 AM
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^^^ I definatly agree with Redz on this one. I think you'll be happy you finished sschool.
Old 10-16-2005, 10:11 AM
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stay in school man. you didnt work this hard for that long just to throw it all away. does your college offer online courses?

why did you say, "I most likely WON'T use either of my degrees for a career"? isnt that the point of getting a degree?
Old 10-16-2005, 10:35 AM
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I will ask to allow me to remain in school, yet only take Tues and Thurs. classes. I would be able to work 12 hour day shifts on MWF (no classes) and possibly 4 hours on night shift on Tues & Thurs (where another, less experienced employee could help train me).

Probably what you should do right there.
Old 10-16-2005, 11:05 AM
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Doing 4.5 years and not getting anything out of it is a waste my man. I know how hard 4.5 years of university is, stay and finish. Don't throw away 4.5 years of hard work.
Old 10-16-2005, 11:08 AM
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Whatever you do, stay in school.

That is a lot of time and effort you've invested into something to not get what you've been working so hard for in the end.

If your employer cannot understand and accept that, then how will they handle other large events that take place in your life in the future?

Just my $0.02
Old 10-16-2005, 05:24 PM
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Definately stay in school. You could drop one of your majors and use that as a minor. That way, you won't have to take as many classes and make things a little easier on you financialy and other wise. You can always go back to college at a later date to finish up your second degree. Good luck
Old 10-16-2005, 05:26 PM
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QUOTE (majiktib @ Oct 16 2005, 04:35 AM)
My Probable Response:
I will ask to allow me to remain in school, yet only take Tues and Thurs. classes. I would be able to work 12 hour day shifts on MWF (no classes) and possibly 4 hours on night shift on Tues & Thurs (where another, less experienced employee could help train me).

You already gave yourself the best answer. If they are thinking about promoting you then you have to let them know how you feel. An employer likes motivated people, stay in school.

Talk to them and offer them your option, your degrees will benifit you and them in the long run. If the promotion is something that will ENHANCE your life, then go for it. Think of all the possible ways that you can accomplish both goals.

When they give you "The Talk", state your career goals clearly so they understand that both the promotion and getting your degrees go hand in hand. Be firm and steadfast, not flakey.

If all else fails get on your knees and beg lmao.gif fing02.gif

Seriously I meant pray. Pray for guidance and wisdom, to help you make the right decision. I will pray for you also.

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