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Dental Horror Stories?

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Old 05-12-2007, 09:04 AM
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Around seven years ago I had a hole in the frontal part of my tooth (was a molar). I knew it was beyond saving because a good portion of it had collapsed.

So I went to the dentist and asked him to remove it. He was a pakistani and he says "no I can repair it" and Im like "look just pull it ok? I cant be bothered with anymore hassle or pain"

So after loads of messing around he talked me into getting it repaired, even tho I knew it was screwed.. See, dentists in the UK do this shit all the time because pulling a tooth loses them money. Fixing them ? they can then charge for all the work, a simple pull doesnt net them very much from the government.

So I get to America around 2 weeks later, go to the diner the first day I was here and bite into a cheese steak. And what would you know? the whole tooth collapsed and the filling ended up nearly choking me. Pissed is an understatement.

Well then 2 days later I got abcesses and was in AWFUL pain, so I had to bite the bullet and go to a dentist here and get a temp filling put in the now gaping hole I had, and AB's to get rid of the abcesses.

When I got back to england I went to another dentist (white one this time) and he said "christ I cant believe he tried to repair this, it's f***ed" and pulled it out.

So I dont trust dentists.. Greedy money grabbing assholes.
Old 05-12-2007, 08:35 PM
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Holy crap, I lived in Ft Irwin, and 45 mins from ft riley (dad worked there, didn't wanna live on base).

Awesome lol. Ft Irwin is the shiznat isn't it? haha. Nothin but desert! lol.
Old 05-12-2007, 09:42 PM
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sounds like that scene in x-files where mulder is being abducted and there's razors and drills just nearing his face. uuugh. so why do you have to have your wisdom teeth removed in the military? guess so that your tooth doesn't hurt while in training/combat and your mind isn't on it... man... that bleeing must have been scary!! uuugh sounds terrible and painful.

worst story i had? well in fifth grade i had 4 severe cavities that ate half of the teeth up and i was in the wrst pain ever for about a year to the point that chewing gum didn't help. next my two front teeth never wanted to come out. so i had 4 front teeth at once for a few months. went to the dentist and got them pulled and he lost one of them in a vent. it's probably still in the vent to this day!

haha sega genesis was awesome, it was godly when it came out... lion king, lost vikings, and altered beast hell yes.
Old 05-12-2007, 11:18 PM
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I've got plenty of horror stories. But it would violate HIPA policies to desciminate any information not to mention could cause law suits. So i'll just leave it at: Man... I've seen some messed up shit.
Old 05-13-2007, 10:28 AM
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When I was 14 or 15 I was snowboarding and tobogganing with my brother. I was on a toboggan at the moment and wasn't thinkin so I went off a small ramp trying to jump another toboggan but the ramp was made of pieces of wood covered in snow and it collapsed and I rode really fast into the other toboggan just sitting there and it smashed me in the face and broke my tooth and knocked me unconsious. So I went home and then started crying when I told my mom because I felt bad and thought it would cost like a thousand dollars or somthing but it ended up costing like 200 (not on a dental plan). So she drove me to the dentist and this was my front tooth remember so I looked in the mirror and could see the roots hangin out a bit of the tooth sence it was broken right off and thats when it started to hurt and I didn't know if they could fix it. So then the dentist lady started injecting my gum which hurt and then actually started injecting or at least applying stuff right on the break. It hurt like a b**** and making it wet hurt even more because even breathing hurt from the cold air rushing over it. But then she took the piece that broke off (I found it in the snow beside me when I woke up, REALLY LUCKY) and she glued it back on and its been that way for about two close to three years but I can't bite apples without worrying, which pisses me off and i'm still worried it may break off some stupid way like getting hit in the face by a soccer ball and then i'll have to go to the dentist and they'll have to do somthing alot more painfull.

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