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To All Our Fellow Milltary Men/Women

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Old 10-17-2002 | 04:28 PM
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Default To All Our Fellow Milltary Men/Women

I want to give you guys a praise and hope that you all will come home in peace to your families and your country. I know that we all know someone who is proudly serving our country and I thank them for I was one of the them. I just want to say "God Bless America and for the freedom that it stands for" That I pray for my husband to come home for you all that do know him as "Techcon Tib". I know him as my husband whose is prouding serving his country.
Old 10-18-2002 | 02:30 AM
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Where is he @ ...

I am going to KOREA soon smile.gif
Old 10-18-2002 | 04:09 AM
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Thoughts and prayers with you, Mary...

...And all the Marines and Sailors of the deployed MEUs.

Marine Wife- toughest job in the Corps.

Jason & Tina
Old 10-18-2002 | 05:03 AM
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Where is he @ ...

I am going to KOREA soon smile.gif
He is on the USS Bellau-Woods. I don't know where exactly. frown
Old 10-19-2002 | 05:54 AM
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thats mighty gracious of you Sinjinstar....

i myself am in the air force "currently" on another assignment (washington state) from my home base....but as you can see its not that strenous....hence the online capability .....but nonetheless this is my job and what i choose so im not upset even in the least bit that i have to be here
Old 10-21-2002 | 11:05 AM
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I always support military members even when they are sent off on useless missions to divert the American public's attention from infidelity in the Oval Office or an attempt to get back the guy who mean to daddy. They don't get a choice in what to do once they enlist. its the sorry bastards at the top I have contempt for.
Old 10-21-2002 | 10:11 PM
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Support the troops; support the mission. What we do is never "useless," regardless of what the American public thinks we are sent to do or why.

"Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of a brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or to die." --George Washington

A Marine died recently, and another wounded in
Kuwait. If you blinked you missed the media coverage.

"Too many Americans think of 9/11 as past tense.
9/11 is present tense." --Bruce Herschensohn

"The United States did not start this war but we had better finish it. That is the only strategy that will give peace a chance. President Bush is right to be pursuing war against Iraq and anyone else who means us harm." --Cal Thomas

"I don't think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead-especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies." --Ronald Reagan

"We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die: Our won Country's Honor, all call upon us for vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions."
George Washington, July 2, 1776

"Imagine a world in which the United States was stricken by a successful series of nuclear, biological, and chemical attacks. Putting aside the appalling loss of American lives this would involve, the global consequences would be horrifying. The world would be plunged into the deepest depression in its history. There would be no power-of-last-resort to uphold international order. Wolf and jackal states would quickly emerge to prey on their neighbors. It would be a world as described by Thomas Hobbes in his Leviathan (1651), in which, deprived of a giant authority figure 'to keep them all in awe,'
civilization would break down, and life, for most of mankind, would be 'nasty, brutish and short.' Hence, we do well to look at the crisis not as solely or even primarily an American problem, but as a global one. We need a Leviathan figure now much more than in the 17th century, when the range of a cannon was a maximum of two miles and its throw-weight was measured in pounds. America
is the only constitutional Leviathan we have, which is precisely why the terrorists are striving to do him mortal injury, and the
opponents of order throughout the world -- in the media, on the campus, and among the flat-earthers -- are so noisily opposed to Leviathan's protecting himself." --Paul Johnson

...and lastly...

"This is a copy of a thank you letter my son, Cpl. Derek Mills of the 26th MEU, wrote to the students that sent letters and packages to his unit during Operation Enduring Freedom. He read most of it during the Miami-Dade County Public Schools 9/11 Memorial Ceremony.

Here I am off the coast of Pakistan, when I started thinking. "How does my being here have anything to do with school and teachers?" As I started the thought process toward writing
this, it all ran through my head - math, science, reading, etc. One subject stuck in my mind - history. Everything that's happening now is going to be someone's history. It is up to the teachers to teach the generations to come.
The teachers will set alive the pictures in the books and the other media. It is the teachers who will explain what the Marines, we in Kandahar, Afghanistan, did to preserve their freedom. Before September 11, our way of life was taken lightly by all Americans. After that day, all was taken away. But again, tied into history just like Pearl Harbor, the American people pulled together and united as one nation. I can't remember the exact translation but
there is a phrase on all currency. "E Plurubus Unum" - of many as one. No one notices it. It is an everyday thing. But it is America. The American government has shown its strength and resilience through these hard times. This
must be taught to the citizens of tomorrow. They will be the leaders, the senators, the governors as high as their potentials will carry them. These are all predicted by their teachers. They must be taught. I can remember sitting in my high school government class and everyday we would watch current events. Mrs, Brown would explain to us that one day what we were watching would be someone's history and that we should know the present as well as the past, because they both can and will affect you. As I close, I would like to thank all of the teachers and
students who took part in sending letters to the Marines and sailors of the USS Shreveport. Enjoy your freedom. We stand poised to protect it.

scourge, whether you agree with it or not, we are sent on missions that have a definite purpose.

paraphrased ...grab a weapon and stand a post!!! --Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men

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[ October 22, 2002, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: ammoman ]
Old 10-22-2002 | 03:17 AM
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I always support military members even when they are sent off on useless missions to divert the American public's attention from infidelity in the Oval Office or an attempt to get back the guy who mean to daddy. They don't get a choice in what to do once they enlist. its the sorry bastards at the top I have contempt for.
If you don't support the man in the oval office then you don't support me! I am sorry. I feel this way because each and everyone of us knew what could possibly happen. We took our oath out of free will to defend this country and follow orders of our president. We do have a choice if we want to go or not. But if we choose not to go then well will be walking out the door. I have been i will go again! But this is how i want it. I did not choose to be in special operations! but that is what they gave me and i will take with out a second thought. I do not have regrets for what i have done. I will have to experience the same things again. But everything i did gave me pure joy. There is nothing like know you did you job and that misson was complete! I have saw many things you will never see. I do what i do because i love my country. If he tells me to go again, I will leave my wife and go fight any war or conflict that may occur. I will leave at a moments notice. I have my bags ready to go.
"Any Time, Any Place" AFSOC
Old 10-22-2002 | 09:05 AM
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"I don't think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead-especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies." --Ronald Reagan

You know, if he was so damned concerned about it, he would NOT have provided Saddam Hussein with those biological weapons in the first place! Oh...thats right, he was using it to kill those godless Mooslim Iranians that were soooo mean to us. So, hey I guess that makes it all ok. rolleyes.gif

scourge, whether you agree with it or not, we are sent on missions that have a definite purpose.

I know they ALL have a purpose, but is it a valid one? Was the mission by Clinton to bomb a few tents in the desert when Monica popped up a valid use of the military? I'd say not.

If you don't support the man in the oval office then you don't support me! I am sorry.

Then I don't support you. I'm not sorry and I can easily live with this. You want to be a slave to the president, never questioning, never thinking then that is cetainly your perogative. I will never enslave myself to the religion of the state.

There is nothing like know you did you job and that misson was complete!

Yeah...even if your mission was a complete waste of resources and got some of your men killed for nothing. NOTHING! I refernce Somalia and the 19 Marines who died in Mogadishu, not defending America or even freedom, but rather in a political operation that in the end utterly failed miserably. Young American men should not be sent to die to satiate the political ambitions of opportunistic shuckmeisters looking to build a legacy.

I have saw many things you will never see. I do what i do because i love my country. If he tells me to go again, I will leave my wife and go fight any war or conflict that may occur.
And you do so like an atomotan. However, I will work, vote, protest, whatever it takes so that you need not see more things than are necessary. I love America too and not an ounce less than you because I question our leaders. You may be ready to go die but I am ready to make sure you don't.

Religion of the State....just say no!
Old 10-22-2002 | 10:21 AM
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If you don't support the man in the oval office then you don't support me! I am sorry.

Then I don't support you. I'm not sorry and I can easily live with this. You want to be a slave to the president, never questioning, never thinking then that is cetainly your perogative. I will never enslave myself to the religion of the state.

There is nothing like know you did you job and that misson was complete!

Yeah...even if your mission was a complete waste of resources and got some of your men killed for nothing. NOTHING! I refernce Somalia and the 19 Marines who died in Mogadishu, not defending America or even freedom, but rather in a political operation that in the end utterly failed miserably. Young American men should not be sent to die to satiate the political ambitions of opportunistic shuckmeisters looking to build a legacy.

I have saw many things you will never see. I do what i do because i love my country. If he tells me to go again, I will leave my wife and go fight any war or conflict that may occur.
And you do so like an atomotan. However, I will work, vote, protest, whatever it takes so that you need not see more things than are necessary. I love America too and not an ounce less than you because I question our leaders. You may be ready to go die but I am ready to make sure you don't.

Religion of the State....just say no![/QB]
What can you understand that this is my job! You have a job your a slave for your boss. I'm sorry your not ready to die for your freedom. But I will die so that my wife and family can enjoy theirs. Like you may not know, when the missions i proticipate were complete, we had not american loss. That is what I provide a means to protect americans on the ground. The reason those men died in Mogadishu is because they made a wrong decision. The mistake was they did it during the day. If they would have started the mission at night it would have been with insident. They wanted a Gunship but they won't let us fly during daylight. That was their only mistake. I feel bad for those families who lost, but my job will continue. So if i understand you correctly you don't want a military? We would be better off with out one? Just because I don't question the president means i'm a robot? Nah, we are not in iraq. We are in afganistan. We are fighting for freedom what don't you understand about that? This started out to be a post for people to give us their support and that includes the commander and cheif! I am sorry you dislike the president. But that is your right. My right is to fight for our country a place you call home a place that needs to be protected. I stand by everything I have done while i was deployed. I am willing to do it again. This is what we train for. This makes us happy. Thus you are entitled to your own opinion, and so am i. So let sleeping dog lie and give the troops that are deployed your whole hearted support.

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