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Some People Really Make Me Wonder...

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Old 02-13-2008, 12:18 AM
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So where to begin... Me and my grade school friends started a band when we were in oohhhh I think 7th or 8th grade. We played together all through high school and eventually had a decent following and were part of an independent record label out of Minnesota for a couple years. We might not have been great, but I believe we were good at what we did. Anyway, about 4 years back now we started up a Myspace page just because thats the direction everything was going and we had to keep up with the times and whatnot. That was already in our college years and eventually the band just fizzled... bass player moved to Florida, guitarist is in grad school in Milwaukee etc. But the myspace page still stands. It is attached to one of my email addresses and every so often I still get a message from someone and if I'm not too lazy I'll check it. Usually its someone asking to play with us or wanting to book a show. Well a couple weeks ago I got a message from a guy named "Sak." (interesting name if I do say so myself...)

Anyway, this "Sak" decided he needed to attack our band (which doesn't exist and hasn't for some time) and make a bunch of outrageous claims which he had absolutely no backing to. Granted it pissed me off a little at first, I started to have fun with it. The myspace page is <span style="color:#0000FF">here (link)</span> and the convo is as follows:

<span style="color:#FF0000">
From: Sak
Subject: you totally stole that band name

Body: you unoriginal bastards...there was a north jersey punk band signed to drive thru about 5 years ago called Random Task, and they were exponentially better than your mindless elementary punk.</span>

me a little agitated...
<span style="color:#00FF00">Reply:

You drastically uneducated bastard. Please don't attack someone when you don't have all the information you need. We are well aware of Random Task from NJ, oddly enough we had the name years before them. So just because they were more famous than us means we stole it? Maybe you should look them up and tell them they should have picked another name for their music because they are "unoriginal bastards". But of course we wouldn't expect such a level of intelligence to think of such things. And as far as our "mindless elementary punk" goes, we were a high school band. Lets see what music you made in 10th grade, something tells me it would be even more mindless, hell would it have been considered music? We look at this website once ever 3 months, maybe, since the band doesn't even exist anymore since that was about 10 years ago. So congratulations for making yourself look like a raging douche bag.</span>

<span style="color:#FF0000">From: Sak
RE: you totally stole that band name

drastically uneducated?...while you guys are making crappy "music" in your mother's basement, I'm 24 and almost done with my masters. And by the way--the bassist from Random Task is now the bassist for Steel Train...and Random Task's drummer is now the guitarist and lead singer of Armor for Sleep. So you can keep the band name, Random Task is gone...and its members have moved on from punk, like most adults do. Good luck playing firehouse shows, I'll be sure to wipe my ass with one of your fliers if I'm ever out in East Bumblef***..

ummmm.... did I miss something? Unfortunately the next message I sent him is no longer available because he didn't reply directly to it and myspace apparently deletes your outbox... But I "nicely" let him know that, aside from me, we (the rest of the band) are in fact older than he is, and whatever credibility he thought he would gain with his masters statement was thrown out the window when he apparently couldn't grasp the notion that the band WAS a high school band, not IS, and no longer exists since that was years ago... even though I flat out said that...

Well that was the end for awhile... a week or so... until just the other day I got this:

<span style="color:#FF0000">From: Sak

Subject: sounds like a fat man moaning for food

you guys are really not good.</span>

So does anyone else find humor in the fact that an apparent 24 year old man working on his masters has nothing to do but pester who he believes to be high school students about their music? I mean seriously that says all sorts of things about what he does in his free time, something tells me he doesn't leave that good ol' computer of his very often. I'm assuming that was his attempt at rustling some feathers, so I sent back my own little smart ass remark
<span style="color:#00FF00">
Reply: Your lack of anything better to do humors me. Oh sorry I forgot, all the cool 25 yr olds hang out on myspace, especially the ones with their masters... do you e-date too?
Immediately I got this back:
<span style="color:#FF0000">
From: Sak
RE: sounds like a fat man moaning for food

you check that page a lot for someone who hasnt "been in that band since high school"

waiting for drive thru to call? its not gonna happen.</span>

Interesting he can say that when he replied in about 60 seconds flat... The great thing is I was already planning on posting this up here, I showed a few of my friends and most can't believe how ridiculous it really is, so I let him know!
<span style="color:#00FF00">
No actually I have yet to really look at the page, I have no idea when it was even updated last. Its your ridiculousness that keeps us coming back. Not that I would have to explain this to such a myspace pro as yourself, but it sends me an email every time you send another little comment that further proves your idiocy. Of course I can't help but look, who doesn't like a little joke to brighten the day? The best part about it is you have absolutely no idea how many people get to read this and find it as incredibly entertaining as I. So please, Sak, for the love of your fans, keep it coming. </span>

I know its a little immature for me to keep this going, but it really does make me laugh every time I see his next comment. What kind of things must one be doing with their lives to surf myspace all day looking for high school bands to try and start shit with?


Old 02-13-2008, 05:29 AM
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f*** that ass hole man.... Meet him and become friends. then one night take him out and get a beer and get him drunk then you can choose one of my following options.

A. knock him out. and just when he starts to wake up.. wisper in his ear " I cant wait to f*** you baby." I have used this many times on asshole g.i. overhere

B. tell him that your going to a coustum party and tell him to dress up as a gost.. white sheet the whole get up.. and on the way there you car has problems just as you get to the middle of where a large aferican-american community. and leave his ass there.

C. When at the bar drinking shout out of no where so everyone can hear you.. What you like little boys and no i dont what them pictures. and run out the door..

BTW, Sak is a slang in korean for "pussy juice" LMFAO
Old 02-13-2008, 05:40 AM
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Must be a jealous child stocker. Myspace and facebook is like a car to some people, always messing around with it. All of my friends have just let their profiles sit...So if you want to know what happened at that awesome party 3 years ago its still posted.
Old 02-13-2008, 11:57 AM
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My style of music. But sorry, no pun against A Tib. band. I wasn't all that enthused with the music. I think it was better the band broke up. The other guy he's a moron don't let him get to you.
Old 02-13-2008, 12:19 PM
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^^ i don't really think it's that bad. Then if you consider they were a bunch of hs kids and I'm guessing they wrote it??

Reminds me of offspring. (only listened to the first song so far)
Old 02-13-2008, 02:06 PM
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impressive talent for some high school kids. too bad you didn't continue it but there's a lot lot lot of competition in that genre. the music does sound good, and you guys very talented. big things could have come from it.

this mellon head is probably 14 instead of 24 because if he was 24 he wouldn't be on the computer pulling these stunts nor bragging about a masters because a 24 year old with a masters has no time, is top, noble, bright, mature, and respectful. a 14 year old probably knows only of the term "masters" and doesn't know what exactly it means.

this is total stupidity. L A M E. don't reply back to him, and as usual bands always get hate mail, always.
Old 02-13-2008, 06:52 PM
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yea I'm aware we weren't the greatest, we put ourselves out there, promoted as much as we could and hoped for the best but we really never had any unrealistic dreams of making it big... it was fun while it lasted but we had our "real lives" to pursue. Also keep in mind not only were we in high school but although the recording was done in a decent studio, it was on a pretty limited budget... time is expensive.

Anyway, Mad_john you crack me up!! the costume party thing was the best
and supercow you are correct in assuming we wrote it. As far as the lyrics go some songs are ok and have an underlying meaning and some were just more words haha

the latest

<span style="color:#FF0000">From: Sak
Subject:"i swear all we needed was our big break man, we were
that good."

im sure i have more fans than your crappy band did.


<span style="color:#00FF00">Reply:
I'm gunna go ahead and agree with you on this one. The difference being ours were cheering and yours are laughing.

By the way, your "fans" in Korea following along have informed me Sak is slang for "pussy juice..." how fitting</span>

I'm already assuming he will try to spin that last comment into a good thing, at which point I will probably say one last thing and be done with this. I have to admit it'll be kinda hard to stop, I want to see what new enlightening comments he has to add


<span style="color:#FF0000">From: Sak

well i guess you are what you eat... so im guessing you keep a steady diet of lame doody and unoriginality...


<span style="color:#00FF00">
So you admit your a pussy! at least you can still live with yourself. And about what you eat... Mens assholes, regardless of any sex change they may have had, does not constitute a pussy. So which one is it? a pussy or an asshole?

And honestly... doody?? With every response you make I subtract years off of your "24;" after that you're now at about 14... Do you even know what a masters is or did you just say it to sound cool?</span>

Well that might be it for me unless he says something worthy of responding to... I'm fairly positive that wont keep him from sending me messages though. Ill post up any that are noteworthy
Old 02-13-2008, 08:39 PM
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Tibminn cameo!

lol, f*ck em, dont worry bout it lolz

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