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People hitting your car.

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Old 01-01-2005 | 01:20 PM
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Default Re: FS- Blue Front corner light bulbs

Alright, seriously. Is it SO hard for me to go somewhere WITHOUT some damage being done to my car? Back in June, not even a month after I got my Tib, a cart was thrown into the side of my car. It hit the driver's side hinge-part of the door, leaving some small dents and a nasty scrap. Hell, it could have been some idiot who couldn't park, but signs point to it being a shopping cart. I was WORKING for 4 HOURS when this happened. My store's insurance is supposed to cover the car, but they denied it. In all technicalities, the car is registered and insured under my mom's name but just paid for by me. Whatever. I buffed out the scrape, but the dents are still there.

A few months later, I see marks on the back bumper. Thanks.

A few weeks ago, I came out of the bank (I had to deposit a bunch of checks and the line was long - go figure) and I come back to there being faint white marks and dents again in the driver's side door. NO ONE WAS PARKED AROUND ME! When I went in and when I came out, no cars next to me. Seriously, what the hell?

Yesterday, I go into work to get my paycheck and I come back to there being blotches of white paint on my driver's side door AGAIN! I parked in the handicap though, where there is probably about 6 to 8 feet between spaces. You know how that works. I'm wondering how that happened! Again, no one was parked next to me when I came out.

I'm getting really confused/annoyed/depressed here.

I don't know how much this crap costs to fix. I mean, my car has dings and marks in it from the dumb girl who owned it before me. It was obviously so hard for her to find the keyhole so there are marks all over the doors by the handles, and she just sucks at maintaining a good car. The guy that owns the dock we keep out boat at is a detailer for some car dealership in town, and he said he'd cut me a deal come Spring to fix all of this. The only problem is the dings and dents.

Meh... anyone else have the mysterious marks made to their cars? The weird part about my whole situation with my Tib is that when I drove around my 97 Elantra Wagon, not ONCE did anything happen to it.

Old 01-01-2005 | 03:06 PM
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For future reference I would suggest to park away from any high traffic areas. Some idiots park in the farthest spot, which to me, is overkill but....

Personally it's all about selection. My g/f works at Wal-Mart so I am constantly shopping there. (10% discount ain't bad either) There are two places I park. One is right near the entrance. There is a cement barrier on one side of my car and it is the first row. If anyone hits me, normally there is someone around so they feel bad and wait. (This has never happened, this is only my logic) And the other is 4-5 spaces away from the last car. Unless I am in a rush or will not be long, i will park closer, in a different spot. But very rarely.
Old 01-01-2005 | 03:52 PM
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I always do the near a kerb thing.. if I can find an "island" in a parking lot, I will park as close to it as I can get without scraping my rims.. usually leaves a few feet between me and the next car.

I do feel for you. when my car was NEW I came out of my place and found a stolen bicycle leaning against the side of the car where it had been thrown there... two golf ball sized dents in the driver's door and a big deep scratch in the rear fender. Car was not even two months old at the time.

Been living with those marks ever since too.. just waiting until spring when I get the bumpers done and stuff to get her repainted before I get them fixed. BTW... I have never had a problem finding the keyhole.. but I have faint scratches all around my driver's side handle as well.. perhaps the ex-owner liked to collect all those cute keychains and they would hit when she unlocked the door?
Old 01-01-2005 | 11:24 PM
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If I get to work when there is an island, I park near it. Thing is, by the time I get to work (unless I open), there is no spot near an island. It's either park in the first available spot, park near the road at the end of the parking lot, or drive around the parking lot until a curbed spot is opened up (which will make me late for work).

I never had this problem before I got my Tib though. It feels like everyone is out to get me... or people got a lot more inconsiderate since May.

Mad, haha no you should see these marks. She DEFINITELY is retarded. It's not like she had a million things dangling that hit the door. There are long and deep scratches near the handle, which clearly shows she tried putting the key in and missed a million times. I figured the girl was dumb anyway. She traded the Tib in for a 98 Mustang. No... not a fancy Mustang either. A piece of crap one that was worth less than the Tib. Blah.
Old 01-03-2005 | 12:30 PM
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i feel for you toxic...the same crap happens to my tib too..except at school..all the people at my school have rich paretns so they drive their parents mercedes/bmw/cadallac you get the point, and they all dent my car, spit at it anything you can think of..ive had almost $1000 worth of damages..and still some dents i havent fixed, but theres nothin the school can do cuz they dont have security out i know EXACTLY how you feel
Old 01-03-2005 | 02:35 PM
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OMG I know what you mean. First, about two months after I got the car, I was at Wal-Mart. Come back, and someone nailed the hell outta my front bumper. Cracked the clear coat and everything. Still haven't got it fixed. $400.00 worth there.

Second, I'm at the golf course. Come back, and some idiot ran into the side of my car with what looks to have been a golf cart. $600.00 worth there.

Third, TODAY, I'm pulling out of school into a right turning lane. Girl in the left turning lane TURNS into the right turning lane. I run onto the median to avoid killing the poor driver side of my Tib any worse. I now have a bulge in my tire. I don't know much about tires, but I'm thinking it needs to be replaced, and OEM tires cost out the ass.
Old 01-06-2005 | 01:29 PM
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Maybe the tibs are ding magnets. Probably because the car is so freakin' gorgeous that people can't take their eyes off of it and they become entranced and loose all control. lol.gif

I really feel for all you guys. When I bought my tib a little over 4 years ago, my bf at the time wanted to drive it while I was test driving it, so I said fine and his dumb arse ran over a curb and the rear got all scratched up. Guess it's a good thing I liked the car b/c at that point I HAD to buy it. It had been sitting in the showroom w/ only 10 miles on it so of course the scratches weren't there before. Then I went to see one of his parades and became inebriated at the officers club and he had to drive my car. I was parked next to a bunch of huge bricks piles up...think pyramid style, starts low and gets higher, at the elementary school and his dumb arse backs up and to the left (btw the brick pile was on the drivers side) and he runs right up it and my car is suspended in mid air. Had to call a bunch of his marine buddies to get the car down before the cops came. Instead of picking up the car b/c lord knows they could've, they shoved it off and threw my alignment way off and bent my tow bar. Yes his dumb arse was a marine himself. Well so my rear bumper has scratches on the other side now and gouges in the sideskirt. I've been driving the car like that ever since b/c I can't afford to get it fixed and he never paid me for it. Instead said I shouldn't have drank too much and blamed it on me. Ugh what bad days those in the spring I won't have to look at that damage anymore. YIPPEE!!!!

I have also acquired 2 dents in my hood from the stupid kids in my apartment complex. They think it's funny to set my alarm off. Lord knows these MD kids are ghetto and don't listen to anything. I'll be super paranoid once the kit is on and I'll be highly p'd off if anything happens to the car after I pay all that money. Trying to find a house or townhouse w/ garage to rent to park the tiby in. Oh la vie. I am sorry to hear about what's going on though...I always park as far away from the establishment as I can.
Old 01-07-2005 | 11:30 AM
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The good one was when I came out from work to where I parked my car and there were dents on the hood. On the hood for crying out loud, how the heck does that happen? Did someone drop something on my car, did some birds think it was a fountain in the middle of the parking lot (my car is blue) and got a little over-zealous looking for fish? Who knows.

I have found the worst place for getting dents is in a casino parking lot. Too many old people in big cars. I have a number of dings I can attribute to the casino lots.

I also had a softball hit my car at a church game one time. I parked by the field that no one was supposed to be playing in, far from the active fields. Then, as I'm walking away from the car, I hear BANG. Some little girl threw a ball out of the field and hit my car. I couldn't find a dent, so, I didn't push the matter. I noticed one the next morning, but it was too late at that time, I didn't remember what the little girl looked like, let alone who she belonged to. Live and learn, I guess.

I have had a few real accidents where people did actual damage to my car and I had to put it in the shop. Neither time was my fault, I was sitting still for both of them. Both times, it was a woman driving a Honda, go figure.
Old 01-08-2005 | 09:14 PM
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I always take my wife's truck when we go grocery shopping. Too many little kids playing with carts and pushing them when they're done...When we do go in my car, it's not uncommon for us to spend around 10 to 15 minutes in the parking lot untill I find a safe place to park.
Old 01-08-2005 | 10:03 PM
blacktibby's Avatar
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Default Hitting the car ...

Yeah I feel the pain... I've had my Tib for about a year now, and it's been ran into twice in the same parking lot. Once by a BMW and once by a escalade. The thing is though it's a private parking lot, and i've only parked my car there in the last 3 months. *sigh .. It's like people don't see them ..

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