Miss Vanna’s 2007 Hyundai Tiburon | Tiburon | Accent | Sonata | Elantra | Genesis | Santa Fe | Veloster | Equus | HYUNDAI AFTERMARKET

Hyundai Aftermarket Featured Girl – Miss Vanna
Residence: Jasper, Texas

Occupation: Merle Norman Beauty Consultant

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: One is blue, the other is Green

Height: 4’10

Age: 18

Relationship status: Happily Taken

Vehicle: 2007 Hyundai Tiburon

What kind of music do you listen to?
A little rap, r&b, country, basically anything that will beat to my system! (Laughing)
What would be your dream job?
I’m aspiring to be an actress or model.
What’s your dream car?
Well, to be honest, my car is. But I have always wanted a Dodge Viper.
What’s the dumbest thing anyone has ever asked you?
Probably something random, like “What’s your favorite color?” (Laughing)
Where do you see yourself in the future?
Graduating college, hopefully marriage.
What are some of your hobbiest and interests?
Cars definitely, and being with my boyfriend.
What are some of your turn ons?
Any fast cars that are boosted!
What about turn offs?
Ghetto cars, ducktape padlocks, ducktape mirrors, and anything really bad like that. You’d be surprised what people in this town do. (Laughing)
How did you first get involved in the Hyundai scene?
I just have always loved the Tiburons. I saw my baby on the showroom floor when I was looking for one, and it went home with me that day.
Is it difficult and if so, how do you handle being in a male dominated sport?
Well, whenever you look as good as me…you don’t have any problems at all. (Laughing) I’m kidding. I just enjoy showing up some of the guys…girls rule!
What percentage of Import models do you think actually know how to tune cars?
I don’t think very many do, so I’m gonna go ahead and say probably 5%.
Should some of the big car shows (HIN, NOPI, etc) have a Female Tuner class?
Not at all! I think girls should get the same treatment as boys. So when we win, we REALLY win.
Any final thoughts, comments, or thanks?
I want to give a special thanks to my boyfriend William. He has done everything in this world for me! And better yet, put up with my crazyy self! (Laughing) And a HUGE
thanks to

Hyundai Aftermarket.org for giving me this opportunity!

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